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The Debt is the Devil

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posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

If i were you i would not feel bad for one second after reading this thread. I definitely did not make it to look down or speak as if everyone on ss is evil or doing something wrong. I have read your post for years and those alone are some of the most valuable i have come across on the webs. I have no doubt that you will get ahead of what is happening to your health.
My intent here is just to bring attention to the source of the debt we are incurring and that source is not a positive one and is not designed to reflect positive on ones health. It is quite the opposite. Just another hurdle to keep us at bay.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Seede

Nice story but wrong. When you first participated in social security the government took that money and issued IOU's to the social security system. That is how it is today also. No one ever raided social security, although they did add it to the actual budget at one point.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: howtonhawky

Wow, so you must have one hell of pension or you're extremely wealthy and don't need retirement income from Social Security to eat, pay your bills and just stay alive when you retire? Do you even realize many elderly retired people only have Social Security as their only source of income??? Hell you must also like the idea of kicking people to the curb if they're dying and in need of medical care because they can't afford healthcare insurance or they're uninsured! Americans have been paying into Social Security since they entered the workforce! They have every right to receive the investment they paid into. You and our president now feel like people shouldn't receive their full Social Security benefits?

What a joke. You actually think a charity would be able to raise enough money to provide millions or retired individuals a monthly income for 20 or 30 years? I probably pay as much taxes or more than you, and the last thing I would complain about is paying taxes for helping people in need. Unless you're an atheist, could you look God in the eye and tell him you have no empathy for people who are less fortunate, are sick or dying and can't afford medical care? If you ask me, I think that's being self-centered and uncaring.

I get so sick and tired of hearing people like you shooting yourself in the foot. There may be a time where you may need these programs! You and many others are hurting unfortunate Americans who through no fault of their own have lost their job, don't have a job that provides healthcare benefits or if they do, their benefits are poor. Many older Americans who are too old and sick to work rely on Social Security. Instead of attacking programs that give a helping hand to American citizens, maybe you and others should start attacking the billions of dollars taxpayers give for Foreign Aid, the trillions of dollars being spent on a foreign policy bent on policing the Middle East, a 14% corporate tax compared to a paltry 0-4% tax cut for American citizens, the overseas tax havens for the rich, trillions of dollars being spent on the military and black budgets, the extreme high cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, spending millions on a military parade and other government wasteful spending, and our government representative above average salaries and their outstanding healthcare and pension benefits!

Maybe since our elected millionaires and our wealthy president are sitting pretty with their salaries, investments, benefits and pensions, there's no reason for them to protect the millions of struggling Americans who are just living from paycheck to paycheck.

Wow you really went on an inferring trip there. The majority of what you just claimed about me or this thread is not found in this thread. I suspect the reason you are sick and tired of hearing people like me is because you lack comprehension skills. The source of the negative loves to use peeps like you. Hey man its your life. You can skip around the point all you want but it doesn't change the fact that THE DEBT IS THE DEVIL

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree that life can be unfair sometimes, but at least you have the tenacity and desire to keep fighting. I'm sorry to hear about your problem and wish somehow, that your view on life improves. I have constant back pain, from two disc herniations, that was the result of loading trucks for UPS, full time, for 25 years. It resulted in nerve damage to both legs...muscle weakness, tremors and a foot drop on my right leg. When the pain is unbearable, I sometimes think that life sucks. I then think of my wife, my two children, my two dogs...and also the many people who are in worst shape than me. That's when I suck it up, take a few aspirin and carry on living my life as best I can. One day at a time my friend.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
a reply to: rickymouse

If i were you i would not feel bad for one second after reading this thread. I definitely did not make it to look down or speak as if everyone on ss is evil or doing something wrong. I have read your post for years and those alone are some of the most valuable i have come across on the webs. I have no doubt that you will get ahead of what is happening to your health.
My intent here is just to bring attention to the source of the debt we are incurring and that source is not a positive one and is not designed to reflect positive on ones health. It is quite the opposite. Just another hurdle to keep us at bay.

The thing I am trying to say is that I like to work, I like to support myself and feel a little guilty that I have to take the disability income. I have known quite a few people who were on disability who could have worked a job though, they used to even give social security disability to some people who were alcoholics permanent disability many years ago. That was a bad solution to the problem. I knew two people who got it for that reason, they bragged about it.

I am just trying to say that some people do need the disability part of the insurance and I will be the first to say if I had not paid in I would not take it. I could have gone on social security forty years ago for my Tachychardia but did not, I paid attention to what set off the afib attacks and tried to avoid foods and stress that caused them. I could have gone on disability for the damage for my back I got from falling off a scaffold, the doctors would have signed for me to do it. I suffered through it and it took ten years to correctly heal. I then hurt it again in the car accident in different spots and it again took another ten years to get better. That accident also knocked a chunk off one of my vertebrae in the neck, which left a sharp edge on the bone but the chunk that broke off has probably dissolved now and the sharp edges on the vertebrae is not sharp anymore. Thank god that that is better. Talk about inconveniences from hurting your spine.

Those back problems alone could have got me on disability, but I could work around the back pain. I made enough natural endomorphins to take care of pain once I started to work. The epilepsy is much more of a disability to me, that causes lots of problems, especially muscle spasms. It is good that the whole grand mal thing doesn't happen anyway, I must be lucky that I can control it with food choices since I cannot take meds. I am getting real tired of the diet to control it though, I wish I could eat what I used to eat again, which was just about anything since I sweat all the toxins out working hard.

I'm not offended, I actually agree that social security disability is being abused a lot. I agree that the government swindled the money out of social security, I remembered them doing it, they borrowed it instead of putting it in the general fund. They like when interest rates are low, they do not have to pay as much money on the social security funds they borrowed. So, social security is not gaining much from interest anymore, that is another problem.

There is a lot wrong with this program, it is being abused and scammed by many ways.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree that life can be unfair sometimes, but at least you have the tenacity and desire to keep fighting. I'm sorry to hear about your problem and wish somehow, that your view on life improves. I have constant back pain, from two disc herniations, that was the result of loading trucks for UPS, full time, for 25 years. It resulted in nerve damage to both legs...muscle weakness, tremors and a foot drop on my right leg. When the pain is unbearable, I sometimes think that life sucks. I then think of my wife, my two children, my two dogs...and also the many people who are in worst shape than me. That's when I suck it up, take a few aspirin and carry on living my life as best I can. One day at a time my friend.

Yeah, that back pain sucks. One time I had a sore back and was walking to a friends autobody shop and my leg disappeared. I went down and wondered what happened. In a minute I could feel my leg again. Damn thing was hurting by the knee too from twisting it when I went down. I went to the doctors and got cortizone shots injected into that area and it worked great. I only needed two of the three scheduled, the doctor saw on the X-ray that the swelling and bulge had disappeared. I never knew that you could take a step and a leg would quit working that quick. I was back at work the next day, I only missed three half days because of the injections.

I started eating soups made with cartilagenous soup bones to help with my epilepsy, I gained a half inch in heighth back and I am not having many back issues. I did cough too hard and cracked a few ribs loose at the joint one time a few years ago and occasionally still have a vertebrae go off tilt, but the chiropractor said I now have decent disk thickness, they were pretty thin years ago. There is something in that cartilage soup that helps with pain and spasms too, I am learning I need that soup. For some strange reason, I made meatloaf out of a grassfed beef heart and my backache I had two years ago disappeared for a month. I noticed that one time before, but was not able to figure out why by researching it, it must have some antispasmatic chemistry, after all your heart beats all day and all night and never hurts much unless damaged. I discover some weird things by paying attention on how food interacts with me since I have the time to do it. It keeps me from getting bored.

edit on 13-2-2018 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: rickymouse

could you teach others?? just a suggestion which may or may not help.

I might be able to teach them about being distracted and how you cut off a finger.

I had some pretty close calls with the chainsaw and tablesaw and radial saw and jointer, and shopsmiths. Also, you can really damage equipment when your brain gets scrambled, the noise from the saws does raise the risk of the temporal lobe seizures. Nice colors though, everything looks interesting and pretty, that grain on the boards can mesmerize a person. I never did any drugs that even came close to giving me a buzz like that. I don't like getting that buzz while driving down the road with all the flowers and pollen floating around or focusing on the grain of a board while ripping it on the tablesaw.

I can teach them what not to do easily.

edit on 13-2-2018 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: howtonhawky
The debt is the devil and satan benefits from the power we give him through programs such as social security...............
It is right there out in the open for anyone to see it's simplicity.
A simple +- system of control to keep the population regulated.
So next time you wonder where evil deeds are born and omg how could they be so evil the answer is that you are that broke .

So what is the answer if we are only guilty of creating organizations to help the needy and the poor???
Simple and you have heard this one somewhere before.
CHARITY not forced help via taxes!

People paid in to Social Security during their working lives. They're not getting a freebee from the government. The government, on the other hand, has pilfered the SS fund. The government should be required to pay interest on the debt that they owe to the fund.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: sligtlyskeptical

Nice story but wrong. When you first participated in social security the government took that money and issued IOU's to the social security system. That is how it is today also. No one ever raided social security, although they did add it to the actual budget at one point.

What is the difference? The program was robbed regardless of how it was robbed. You can call it borrowing if you like and giving bogus IOU's that have never been repaid and will never be repaid and it still amounts to theft. If you have a rightful insurance claim and the insurance company will not pay that claim it makes no difference to you why they will not pay that claim the bottom line is that you have been robbed.

Your excuse for theft is that if you steal lawfully it's okay. I don't come from that line of thinking. My generation looked at a handshake as the honest deal whereas now you have to have a shyster lawyer make a living off the handshake of yesterday. That is how we got into this rotten Govt. dealings that we are in today.

In 1968 it was LBJ [democrat] who took the SS funds to pay for the Vietnam war and create his welfare state that we have today and from there on it became the normal for the politicians to continue to steal from the people. You can wipe you shoes on the IOU's because they will never be repaid and the shysters in DC know that better than you know it.

posted on Feb, 14 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Seede

So lbj had bush kill jfk then went to war the next day with stolen money from an insurance program and that began our downward spiral to the negative side of things?

posted on Mar, 1 2018 @ 12:31 PM
I'm sorry for my ignorance here but debt is the devil? I'm confused.
If someone gets into debt, that's the devils doing? Nah... I don't think so.
I wish people would start taking responsibility and ownership instead of blaming it on everything else.

And just because there are adds promoting spending or charging to have brand new bigger, better, top of the line, latest and greatest things doesn't mean you just have to go and buy it!

First mistake is depending on the government, or any of it's programs! No one is going to help you... find a way, figure it out and help yourself. Banks/ATMs? yeah sure but cash is king, always have it on hand or stashed away somewhere. Investments and the market? Yup but always keep at least half of it liquid to cut and run if necessary.

I didn't read all of the responses on this and I know it took a different turn somewhere so I've probably jumped the gun by responding based on the title and original post.

Rock on.

posted on Mar, 2 2018 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Skorpiogurl

no i am not saying that if you are in debt it is the devils doing but it sounds kinda right to me if one ignores personal responsibility

i am saying that once in debt the devil has power over you.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

Okay, fair enough. I understand where you're coming from.

Sometimes people who are in debt will do just about anything to relieve their situation. Kind of like a drug addict who will do anything to get their fix, even if it's evil and wrong. However, there are also plenty of people out there who wouldn't sacrifice their morals or ethics no matter how deep in debt they become.

Still, I feel like simple ownership and taking responsibility for ones actions is the bottom line here. If I'm looking to purchase a house and I make a hundred thousand a year, and a bank pre-approves me for a $1.5m dollar house, and I go and buy that house then complain because I can't afford the mortgage whose fault is that? It's like going to the gym and lifting weights and complaining that I have muscles. It makes no sense.

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: howtonhawky

Amazon and companies huge like it...who do not pay taxes the way they should is a tool of the devil.. The corruption at the highest levels and secret organisations in the USA is a tool of the devil. That will bring the planet and everything living on it down..

posted on Mar, 5 2018 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Skorpiogurl

As a nation we are so far in debt that the fight ahead of us becomes as much of a spiritual one with the negative as much as a physical one with the budget.

I think that is where i differ from most cause i do not much of a difference between the two.

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