One of the great things about the place where I work is I access to some of the best minds in creation. It's rather humbling
For the moment I am purposely leaving out telepathy,but I would be very interested in hearing opinion on the below. a universal means of communication
is it possible? is it something that we as a race could come together and work towards? It was wrote by one of the lads in the office. I was quite
impressed when i read it and thought i might share in order to open global discussion - Any ideas
An introduction to Sign
There already many forms of sign language throughout the world, mostly used by handicapped people.It is time to focus on one form of sign language,
introduce this to schools throughout the world, benefiting all children, not just those who are handicapped. within ten years every child from 16 yr s
downwards would be able to communicate with each other across the world. Spoken language would no longer be a barrier, but a symbol of identity, and
sign language would be the worlds second language, opening doors for future generations, benefiting industry, commerce and basic understanding of one
Everyone at some point in their lives are affected by language difficulties. Some of us live in societies or countries where more than one language is
commonly used. Some live in countries where their first language is not that of the country they live in. Some live in countries or environments where
there are no opportunities to learn a second language. In one way or another, for all of us the language barrier is real. Not only does this affect
our understanding of the world and the people who live on it, but also our ability to be understood. Even the most successful linguist can only dream
of being able to communicate through every language. This would not be the case with a universal sign language. Sign language at present only benefits
the deaf and dumb and their immediate circle ie. family and friends. They are isolated from the rest of the world.If we all spoke sign language we
could practically eradicate these handicaps.
Where did this idea originate from? For as long as I can remember and through difficulties I have experienced whilst travelling, I have always
believed it to be common sense to have a universal language, as Bernard Shaw once believed with his workings towards European Flemish language.
Our aim is realistic and practical.The facts are,we all have to learn to speak the same language to move forward. This is not a controversial idea but
a solution to a problem we all face.If it is not dealt with now,I believe it will be in the future. It is just a case of when, the why is obvious.
Which visionary will be in the right place at the right time with the right support and make this happen? I believe the first step to resolving the
problems of the world is to get every one talking the same language. Lack of communication at the most basic level creates prejudice and suspicions
unfounded.This ignorance and lack of understanding causes us all to feel distrustful towards cultures and societies we do not understand. To bridge
the differences between these societies we all live in it would be far easier if we could all communicate. This lack of communication sadly lets us
believe there are different levels of feelings, conciousness and sensitivity between cultures.
We begin to believe those suffering the most do not have dreams and ideals to match our own, and worse of all do not feel pain or grieve the same way
we do. We are even surprised to see laughter or to expect humour within some societies and arrogantly, in some cases, feel we are above or are
witnessing early forms of intelligence with less materialistic societies than our own. This is due to a lack of communication. In the bible we are
told that God punished man by creating many forms of language that stopped us communicating. Thus forcing us to learn the importance of communication,
we now have an opportunity to rectify this set back in our history.
The main structure for this idea is already in place throughout the world. There are already handicapped people benefiting from organised group
centres teaching sign language throughout the world. These organisations need to be unified on a global level, and mainstream schools need to be
linked by introducing sign language as part of the curriculum at the earliest level. We need to invite all of these organisations and bodies to a
conference and set out these aims. First of all we must point out the most universally used signs in any one sign language and use these as a main
structure to the newly adapted universal sign language. We must find the most commonly used signs throughout the world and introduce these into our
language. This will be our main frame to be introduced into all schools throughout the world. When an agreement is reached with all sign language
organisations across the world it would be necessary to form a united organisation that must represent all countries throughout the world.
The main aim of the governing body will be to lobby all the respective governments throughout the world into introducing this language as part of
the school curriculum in their respective countries. Once this has been achieved or even as the ball starts to roll, it will only be a matter of time
before all of the children of the world are able to communicate with each other.
We will need the help of all existing sign language bodies throughout the world and the co-operation of the governments to introduce this into the
school curriculum. There is already funding throughout the world supporting sign language and there are always shortfalls in funding throughout most
organisations. It is necessary for the governments to finance this introduction into the curriculum as they already do with second languages
throughout schools. It will also be necessary to educate existing funders for these organisations into utilizing their funds for introducing this new
adaptation of the existing sign languages to the new modern and universal one we are introducing.
Once the initial conferences involving all bodies throughout the world have been set up, this work with the benefits of a main structure will be
carried out globally utilising the already existing language schools throughout the world. All people of the world will benefit from this as will
All participating schools and governing bodies will automatically monitor the progress of any system introduced into the curriculum, as Ofsted do
today in the UK.
Imagine a world where a ten year old child can walk into a room and communicate with children from anywhere in the world who do not speak that child's
language, converse comfortably and not even be aware of the possibility that some of the children in the same room that they have spoken to could well
be deaf or dumb.
Primal Scream - Movin on up
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edit on 10-2-2018 by DpatC because: (no reason
edit on 10-2-2018 by DpatC because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-2-2018 by DpatC because: (no reason
edit on 10-2-2018 by DpatC because: (no reason given)