posted on Feb, 6 2018 @ 03:14 AM
Theresa May calls abuse in public life 'a threat to democracy' Prime minister to announce measures to tackle abuse on centenary of 1918
suffrage act
How many politicians and public personalitires have been involved in CHILD ABUSE scandals? How many celebrities have been involved in abuse of
The Prime Minister is legilsating to protect the ABUSER not the abused.
Might we all be able to say George Soros has been abusing us all with all his damaging social engineering? Look at the mess of it all! LOOK HARD!
Might we all be able to say that Theresa May is abusing us by depriving us of health care? They are depriving me of health care. They are blocking
access. How do I know that all this abuse of me, keeping me down at the bottom might be because I am Christian and speak my mind openly? How do I
Who is the abused and who is the abuser really, Maggie May? You'll be punishing those who have a right to be angry with you all. I really am so angry
with you you would not believe. What you gonna do about that. Maggie May? You gonna put me in prison now and sow up my mouth?
I think she will drive it all underground and it wll fester to become something even more deadly. They will not know when it hits them.
Don't ever feel safe with me because I am a Donnie Brasco. I infiltrate and pretend all the time. It is actually part of my illness that I am like
that, but also it is a convenient "weapon". I have even weaponized my illness now. I will chant down evil. I will chant down the False Prophet Pope. I
will chant down Child Abusers and Billionaires who # up my life. I will chant down bullies. I will chant down Anti Christ Religiously Fascist Israel.
Throw me in jail, kill me, but I WILL STILL DO IT because it is evil and it needs to change.
"The line it is drawn and the curse it is cast", Theresa May. Stop being such a coward. It is your lot who do all the abusing, believe me. Cry baby
What cry baby cowards our abusers are. She brings out legislation on the Women's Day to protect the abusers. She has not got a clue about anything it
STOP ABUSING US then we will stop chanting you down. Your silly knee jerk legislation will backfire on you spectacularly I promise you that, over my
smelly corpse if need be.
edit on 6-2-2018 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)