posted on Feb, 18 2018 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to:
I think that's the case, people activate the data collection when they shouldn't or do not stop it when they stop, and the data gathering keeps
continues until they finally turn it off.
From what I have read about Strava, it has the possibility of defining areas where the data gathering is never active, so people can walk around on
their homes without showing where they are, but when it is activated it remains active until turned off by the user, as that's the only way of knowing
when the (supposed) activity stopped.
If the user doesn't turn if off when they should or if they turn it on when they shouldn't then the system doesn't have any way of knowing if
something is wrong or not.
The only thing they can detect is speed, so if someone is "walking" at 800 km/h they are able to know that the data gathering was on when it shouldn't
and ignore it.