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A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing

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posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 12:47 PM
I have a friend I talked to recently about this. He was angry at Harvey Weinstein because apparently, because of that, my friend got banned from an establishment for asking a girl who worked there out, repeatedly and after being told to stop...

As much as I agree maybe sometimes the complaints are overblown...some men clearly need to learn how to behave properly in society. On at least a weekly basis I'll see a guy or even my girlfriend will have it happen to her, freak out at a girl for not talking to them or turning down their advances. I even watched a dude get down on his knees once on the middle of a bus and ask a random girl to marry him then started freaking out when she, fairly politely in all honestly given the situation, told him no. My girlfriend had a guy come up to her once, while she was waiting for the bus home, and tell her he was going to # her in the ass then turned another random guy and asked him if he wanted to # her in the ass.

I have at least two friends that have been actually raped. Not like got too drunk and slept with someone they regretted, like taken and forcefully raped. I seen one of my friends not long after, she had bruises all over her face and body. They got no help for it. Despite going to the police directly afterwards, with the evidence still there and the identity of at least one of the people was known. The men that did that never even got arrested for it. My friends basically just had to deal with it and that's about it. They've basically been unable to get help for it.

My friend ranted about this for a good amount of time and refused to listen to any amount of reason that maybe he shouldn't have asked out a girl that's forced to talk to him while she's working...especially in the kind of place he was in. Refused to believe that maybe he should have tried talking to her outside of work if he was interested, refused to believe he should have stopped when she said no the first time and pretty much denied any responsibility, choosing instead to blame Harvey Weinstein for his being banned...
edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: t

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 12:55 PM
I just film all my encounters now just in case.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: testingtesting
I just film all my encounters now just in case.

I heard, and the local zoo has now banned you

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
It has nothing to do with liberals . And a backlash can't be very good. Men wanting to see women abused or harassed? Because that could be the only backlash against women empowering themselves to not be victims any longer.

Good luck with that gentlemen.

You either didn't read the OP, or didn't bother trying to understand it. Its not a treatise on how to sexually abuse women.

Ill summarize it: creating an environment where there isn't basic trust will end up biting both men and women in the ass. Since it seems more men are in leadership roles, it would appear that it will bite women more often than men.

Its all about trust. It doesn't help to build trust to have actions performed under the color of todays social norms, to be judged by the social norms of people 30 years from now.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: dug88
I have a friend I talked to recently about this. He was angry at Harvey Weinstein because apparently, because of that, my friend got banned from an establishment for asking a girl who worked there out, repeatedly and after being told to stop...

As much as I agree maybe sometimes the complaints are overblown...some men clearly need to learn how to behave properly in society. On at least a weekly basis I'll see a guy or even my girlfriend will have it happen to her, freak out at a girl for not talking to them or turning down their advances. I even watched a dude get down on his knees once on the middle of a bus and ask a random girl to marry him then started freaking out when she, fairly politely in all honestly given the situation, told him no. My girlfriend had a guy come up to her once, while she was waiting for the bus home, and tell her he was going to # her in the ass then turned another random guy and asked him if he wanted to # her in the ass.

My friend ranted about this for a good amount of time and refused to listen to any amount of reason that maybe he shouldn't have asked out a girl that's forced to talk to him while she's working...especially in the kind of place he was in. Refused to believe that maybe he should have tried talking to her outside of work if he was interested, refused to believe he should have stopped when she said no the first time and pretty much denied any responsibility, choosing instead to blame Harvey Weinstein for his being banned...

Time to acknowledge that *No* means *No*

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: mikell
I too lost a friend to prison and the story changed 6 months later

Same here, I had a friend that's been in prison now for something like 11 years already because a girl lied about being raped by him. How do I know? She admitted it to me. She told me she claimed she was raped because she got caught having sex and didn't want to get in trouble. This was a girl who had sex with anyone she possibly could. She'd literally go up to strangers she'd never met and ask them if they wanted to go off and have sex, and then she would do just that. I've seen it, so I know. My friend's life is completely ruined because some girl couldn't be responsible for her own actions.
My cousin was even arrested and thrown in jail once because some woman he was seeing became angry that he broke up with her and decided to get revenge by reporting that he'd raped her. He was later released when she admitted she made it up.

One time a few years back, I had this circle of friends from whom I met this one girl. I ended up seeing her for a while, and I spent alot of time hanging out with her at her place. One day, one of our mutual friends informed me that this girl had been telling everyone I'd held her down and molested her, which absolutely didn't happen.
I found out later she'd made this exact same claim to her friends about a few other guys she'd been seeing.
It looked like she had a habit of making these claims to the mutual friends of her and whatever guy she'd been seeing so they'd stay away, leaving the guy all to herself.

So, women, forgive us guys for being suspicious, since life experience has taught us that many women are completely willing (and able) to absolutely destroy a guy's life for trivial, selfish reasons... And the system is weighed heavily in your favor, despite what the leftist feminist bull***t would have you believe.
edit on 2/5/2018 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: mobiusmale

I like how the 'solution' is more laws. Wonderful.

How about we let the current plethora of statutes deal with sexual misconduct and the filing of false claims.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:23 PM
I was just chatting with a few of my more sane female friends about this topic. It seems that they have been pressured by other female friends to call out any and all things any man has said to or looked at them that made them "feel uncomfortable" at any time in their past. If they responded that sometimes its just someone being awkward, or not bad intentions were the reason, these radical women began to put them down (no surprise, women are experts at putting each other down).

They were made to feel if they didn't go along with the movement, then they were obviously protecting men and granting license for all men to be rapists.

This here is part of the issue. The pressure to be part of the herd, part of the collective or be ostracized. How is that a good thing in the long run? I will bet some of the weaker ones will buckle to the pressure, and falsely accuse any man in order to "fit in".

Poo-poo me if you will, but this comes from women I admire and trust are fair and have a level head. Heck, one of them was even rufied and raped about 5 years ago, and she thinks this movement has become weaponized and id diminishing its true impact and reason for being.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:25 PM
We've had thousands of years of women being subjugated by men (and taken advantage of, raped, molested, no votes, unpaid work, leave etc.). Now that women are finally taking the opportunity to speak up men are playing the victim?
Gimme a break. This is a long time coming.

What will be undeniably true is that infinitely more men got away with raping, molesting & taking advantage of women through the years than the comparably very few men that will be falsely accused of it.

Another 'wrong side of history' moment for the crying men.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: okrian
We've had thousands of years of women being subjugated by men (and taken advantage of, raped, molested, no votes, unpaid work, leave etc.). Now that women are finally taking the opportunity to speak up men are playing the victim?
Gimme a break. This is a long time coming.

What will be undeniably true is that infinitely more men got away with raping, molesting & taking advantage of women through the years than the comparably very few men that will be falsely accused of it.

Another 'wrong side of history' moment for the crying men.

Said by someone who likely has never been or never seen it happen to you or a close friend. I am all for filing charges and having the benefit of due process in cases of sexual assault. But, NOT for baseless accusations being tried in the court of public opinion.

That is exactly how the world was in Salem, MA in the late 17th century, and I for one do no want to be part of that era again.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:28 PM
It seems like we are heading into a future where women and men have to be kept apart in the workplace. Where you have to have a chaperone escort you when you have a male suitor. Where sex becomes something you only do when you have a legal piece of paper saying its okay. Where apparently women are so weak willed and harebrained, they can't say no to sexual propositions from men in positions of power. That future sure seems like the gilded cage past women went through for centuries. If I remember correctly...... women did not like that past.

Or everyone's piss is full of hyperbole and things will equalize and ebb and flow.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: okrian
Another 'wrong side of history' moment for the crying men.

Another poster who either didn't read, or failed to understand the OP.

Could have a great discussion going here....if people would put their adversarial inclinations aside, and read for understanding instead of outrage.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

You are appealing to a 'what if it happened to me'. Even with your not-true anecdote, that doesn't change the overarching statistics, and the overarching problems that women have faced since the beginning of recorded history.

The truth is what matters, not your one friend that had this happen to them.
The truth is that women have been on the losing end of this for far too long. And yes, there is going to be a little bit of collateral damage (there always is). I can accept this in light of how insanely one-sided this entire topic has been for as long as we can measure.

edit on 5-2-2018 by okrian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: mobiusmale

I like how the 'solution' is more laws. Wonderful.

How about we let the current plethora of statutes deal with sexual misconduct and the filing of false claims.

How is that working out?

Currently, one can go to CNN, claim they were abused, and without any due process, the media can then smear your name about, assuring that you are fired or worse. Three years later when it's is discovered the claims are false, your life is still ruined. I am usually the last one to want more laws or bureaucracy, but here it is clearly needed. Or at least a reworking of the current laws to prevent slander.

Great system!
edit on 5-2-2018 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: nightbringr
Currently, one can go to CNN, claim they were abused, and without any due process, the media can then smear your name about, assuring that you are fired or worse.

Is someone preventing those people from filing false accusation charges against the accusers? That was rhetorical.

People can make all kinds of claims now without due process, do you want to add a brand new law for each type of potential allegations besides the sexual ones? That was also rhetorical.

edit on 5-2-2018 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: okrian

What will be undeniably true is that infinitely more men got away with raping, molesting & taking advantage of women through the years than the comparably very few men that will be falsely accused of it.

Just to be clear then, you are perfectly OK with innocent men having their lives ruined simply as revenge for wrongs men have done in the past?


posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:39 PM
I sat down last week and watched the red pill documentary with my two fave lesbians at first they were laughing but when it finished they were really good and actually formed a different view about male rights.
I love my lesbians really nice girls a credit to their generation.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: mobiusmale

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
I don't, and never have, had private meetings with females. Common sense has dictated otherwise for the entirety of my life.

Then you, Sir, are both very wise, and ahead of your time.

I saw someone accused of a sex crime when driving a female home. After he was in prison, she admitted she made it all up. That was all I needed to see to know what was and was not prudent.

I saw something similar. Years ago, an Amazon of a woman (who was quite brash and not shy AT ALL btw) in her 40's accused her 67 y/o boss with some serious physical limitations, of groping her while he was driving on the freeway at 65mph. Her name was Helga. Now let that rest in your mind for a moment. The story was denied by her boss. It didn't matter, he was fired and she moved up the ladder in that company.

She was later fired a couple years later for stealing items from the company and passing company secrets to another like company in an employment attempt. But that really is beside the point.

People can be greedy and sneaky.

One thing I can say about the op is, it can sometimes be very difficult to prove sexual assault. If there is no ripped clothing or blood or semen what is left? I also posted this on ATS some time ago. In a civil case on t.v., a woman pressed charges claiming her boyfriend basically pummeled her. He was arrested and taken to jail. Fortunately there was video of the actual event where she was shown to be hitting herself with a 2x4 she had broken on his car, she messed up her long hair in a big rats nest and was scratching herself with her nails and ripped her shirt. All the physical evidence seemed to confirm her allegations. Without that video, that young man would be in jail, never to be allowed his full constitutional rights as an American.

On another note, a man can grab parts of a woman's physical anatomy through her clothes and say some pretty crass things. Without witnesses or video, how do you prove it?

Too many times it's "he said she said". In which case I guess lie detectors could be given to see who is more truthful.

The best way is prevention of possible abuse situations.

But overall, yeah, there's going to be some male backlash. I think for the most part, a large number of men are going to get tired of playing the games. I see it more and more often every day. Guys don't want a whole lot to do with females when it comes to hanging out with them. They are more reserved and quiet. The divide is becoming greater.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: okrian
a reply to: Krakatoa

You are appealing to a 'what if it happened to me'. Even with your not-true anecdote, that doesn't change the overarching statistics, and the overarching problems that women have faced since the beginning of recorded history.

The truth is what matters, not your one friend that had this happen to them.
The truth is that women have been on the losing end of this for far too long.

So, you are calling me a liar then?

Prove it!

I spoke to real women, REAL WOMEN and (heaven forbid) asked THEIR opinions.

This movement has morphed into a weapon to be used by any woman with a past beef with a guy. Proven or not, allegations will now get you fired or ostracized. Truth to them is long as it "puts men in their place" it seems. You ignoring that fact is just as bad as them doing it.

Shame....a real shame.

posted on Feb, 5 2018 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: nightbringr
Currently, one can go to CNN, claim they were abused, and without any due process, the media can then smear your name about, assuring that you are fired or worse.

Is someone preventing those people from filing false accusation charges against the accusers? That was rhetorical.

People can make all kinds of claims now without due process, do you want to add a brand new law for each type of potential allegations besides the sexual ones? That was also rhetorical.

You really stretching.

So you think is perfectly OK for a man's life to be ruined due to false claims? No problem at all there, huh?

I bet you'd think quite differently if your son was outed as a sexual predator for hitting on the wrong girl and as a result his life was ruined. And no, I don't mean rape.

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