To choose a practice is a volition. No matter what path one chooses volition is involved; to carry out the practice or practices involved in whatever
path that may be. The path one chooses is not only religious in nature but also one of knowledge or study for vocation. When one chooses a religious
practice and the study of it for vocation then that leads to a life of volition dedicated to both the life of the path and the practice there of in
gaining knowledge of it... fruition of these various paths found in life when taking them as a volition to act; carry with them a cause and effect
cycle having taken it up as a volition. Hopping around on various paths of picking and choosing here and there is the life path or choice of the
philosopher... do not expect such a path to end as it is the continual picking and choosing of conceptual fruit from various baskets... such a path
could be concidered a path of knowledge for knowledge' sake.
Of course we cannot speak of the volition and the choosing of a path; without speaking of resolve. There is a duty to each path and fulfilling the
duty of that path chosen? Is to stay on it no matter what until fruition or the complete culmination of effort applied. A good question to ask oneself
and others is "What does it mean to be ________?" One will see in asking this question of oneself; what one's preconcieved concepts and nptions are
about whatever that thing is or what it entails; whether what does it mean to be Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Janist, Muslim etc. to what does it mean
to be an Ox herd, Carpenter, Brahman etc. ask oneself those questions even if you have already chosen a path... that volition is still going onward in
the unconscious even if not consciously aware of it. Like the Atheist still getting involved in religious conversation, discussion and debate about
deities. So not really an Atheist except in name and more of a philosopher.
By getting into such contemplations and conversations with oneself and others about what the path one is on actually is; then of course walking it
becomes much easier. One may discover that they were on a path or walking one and had absolutely no idea that they were. The mind may seem as if it
were roaming around aimlessly and just doing meaningless tasks in sustanance to empty phenomina or some powers that be, that are out of their hands
and control. Well the description for such as that is this: Lost. Sure you have a path everyone does, of course getting off of the path and distracted
is easy... what seemed like a nice walk through the woods has somehow to your suprise become a escape from a wicked witches oven with a chicken
bone... like in the Hansel and Gretle fable. Of course I picked that fable as a duo to mention because once one realizes they have had a path and then
see they are way of course from it... they will want to blame someone other than themselves.
Not to knock paths that exhalt the ego in all it's wallowing glory, but blaming another for being off a path in life one has chosen... is no one's
falut but their own. The addage knock and it shall be opened does not apply to just one door. Thinking only one door existed in that addage is short
sighted... it meant keep the same knock on every door, and the ONE holding that opportunity to adavance on your chosen path is actually the one that
opens. This goes back to resolve, the effort applied towards that chosen path and volition once chosen. All the energy out there for it to suceed is
still waiting for you to knock on that right door growing old and gray... has he or she given up? Is he or she fickle? He or she must not really have
known what they really wanted to do when choosing. This means all paths to all choices one has ever wanted to make are still out there and open to
success and fruition in them, so it is never too late to find the right doors for them.
So after asking oneself, whatever it is... then ask others, this is the door knocking. Treating it like a sample in a grocery store to see if one
wants to buy into it is not suggested. That is an impulse, and anything enetered upon as impulse is usually later regretted after more wisdom of
whatever it is grows. Like the man or woman at the bar seemed like a great person and yet the walk of shame still gets walked after the dawn, reality
and sobriety strike in the magical three. So the two legs and a self crawls away back to the hole of emptiness without fulfillment yet again. Sad that
many many people live this way, and like many birds of prey such as vultures circle such people to prey and feed off of them like a walking corpse of
a feast. This is where the danger of naivety rests, lack of experience, then one beats oneself up for; a should have known better, stance... well,
that knowledge was rote grasping and understanding. Wisdom and knowing came at the price of the actual experience. So trying to tell oneself or others
anything else, is a falsehood and untruth... walking down such a path as that after the other? Only leads to even a worse destination than before.
So path, volition, and the resolve to follow it to the end of fruition whatever that path may be; whether known or unknown, chosen or not... you and
all others are on one and even if it goes by the same name as millions does not mean it is or has ever been the same one. So knowing the path itself
as one grasps it and as all others grasp it even those not on the same one grasp it, becomes a valuable assessment in wisdom about defining the path
chosen or one that will be in the future.
Sticking to the path chosen is the resolve that it will lead to Rome instead of roam. Roaming of course will naturally take place the less resolve one
has, but with each choice there is a volition, the same as the volition generated on the path choice. If the second and successive volitions clash
with eachother then the first or main one chosen becomes obscured or lost in the shuffle of all of those footsteps and choices not the goal itself. Be
aware that there is good volition and bad volition set in motion with everything... the wave is created at it's very inception, meaning all of the
players to that path start lining up or riding that wave of energy generated to play their various roles along it.
So be wise, strong, and fearless in your journey whatever and wherever they may lead... hopefully, this has helped make the destination and the road
there that is chosen much clearer and straighter for many, in the same way a fletcher makes an arrow straight. Also be aware of these found on all
paths no matter what it is; those that know but do not teach, those that teach but do not know, those that know and teach and those that neither know
nor teach.
Take care and watch your step.
edit on 4-2-2018 by BEBOG because: addition