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Past life friends recognition

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:46 PM
I am not sure i go for this, but op, has to know that plenty feel this way.

We just do not know, maybe some secret project does, and they get to know, but we do not. But we know what you mean.

I am not sure, you can really meet that many in life, you can feel like that with.

Also i think, like others say, you may frighten the person if you tell them these things, unless you know they are into all this reincarnation stuff.

[edit on 11/12/2009 by andy1033]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:00 PM
The final bit of evidence of reincarnation for me was when a woman I never met before sat down at my lunch table one day and said hello. She apologized and said she wasn't sure why but I seemed very familiar to her, I agreed that she seemed familiar to me, too. After going through the normal possiblities we concluded we'd never met before and it was just an odd occurrence. We had lunch together a few more times and the feeling of familiarity grew each time; for me it seemed like scraps of memory associated with her were surfacing.

After meeting for lunch a few times, I suggested that we each write down the last time we recalled see each other and the circumstances, as best we could recall, then exchange papers, no matter how strange the memories were. We each wrote for a bit then exchanged papers.

We discovered that we had written extremely similar, if not identical recollections.

We both recalled sharing a pledge to find each other again somewhen, as the city we lived in was being destroyed. We both recalled being on a parapet, watching a city burn, knowing that we would soon be dead, and sharing a profound love for each other. There's no way to explain a shared memory like that without accepting reincarnation, as far as I can see.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Caldron of Hate

Concur, there is a elemental, zodiac to consider.
Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius are the commonly intelligent zodiacs; all of Air. (Element of thought)
Fire of doing *then thinking (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Water of emotion (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) and Earth of strength (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn). Often easily distinguishable though sometimes depending on their current state of mind and personal life can effect their energy pattern meaning you can usually guess between 3 zodiacs but the unpredicted variables can be misleading. (Seeing Aura and pattern observing contribute to this as well)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by apacheman

Considering that we all live in many realities, maybe you know that person from there right as we speak.

We all do not know, and as so many have said, everything happens at same time. SO how can you figure out reincarnation, into that, lol.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 07:43 PM
Actually when I first met some of my friends it felt like I've seen them before and talking to them I've found out that a third of them I couldn't have met at all ( the other two-thirds I've been in the same class with or live right next to. Needless to say my first conversations with these people were very awkward) I also have a lot of trust issues and I immediately trust these people who look familiar. I also find out both me and these people kind of act the same. Kind of immature and insane.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Anathema
This is a strange question I know, but please bare with me

Is it possible to recognize someone I knew in a past life in this life? It's kind of hard to explain but I'll try.
I ran across someones picture on a website and automatically recognized something about this person....But not the person. Something about this person was familiar...I don't know what. I automatically started to miss this person, someone who I've never met, talked to or anything. Then I started asking myself "I wonder if they still have their sense of humor".
My theory is that I'm somehow recognizing this person from a past life. I should point out that this persons physical appearance is not at all familiar, but yet something is.

I hope I've explained this well. If you need any clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.


I have experienced this exact same thing when I took myself over to live in Australia where I knew nobody.. I had bought a laptop which had no software so I was looking to buy some for it. I looked through the phone book and rang the first computer business that was listed, when the person answered the phone I explained to her what I was wanting to buy.

She then said "is that you Tina?" whereupon I was quite freaked as I knew no one in Australia and yet here was this unknown voice asking if it was me (using my first name) on the other end of the phone? I told her yes it is me, she questioned me further 'Is that Tina from New Zealand?" again I was freaked and said "yes I am from NZ". She then asked me if I was Tina from her meditation class, to which I answered, 'no, but I am looking for a meditation class" - (I was actually asking Universe to lead me to a meditation class, the previous night I had asked this) and then we carried on talking for a while and then I went to her shop to buy the software I wanted.

When I arrived at her shop and she opened the door, we both stood and looked at each other for seconds in TOTAL RECOGNITION of each others souls and we both felt it at the same time, the recognition of each other (even though we had never met or even seen each other anytime prior to this first 'meeting').

We both knew something special had just occurred and it was Universally orchestrated. She asked if she could give me a hug (which she said she doesn't normally do with strangers and had never done it before or since). I gave her a hug and had the overwhelming thought and feeling that I wanted to ask her "Where did they take you?, the last time I saw you they were taking you away from me, and I didn't know where you had gone".

Which I had no idea why I wanted to ask her that question, remember this was a person I had never met before in this lifetime.

Anyway we started going to meditation classes together and realized that we are soul-mates (not in a weird way-but we both knew we had spent time together before, but not in this lifetime), we knew we had history together.

Upon having several clairvoyant readings done, both of us individually have been told that we are soul-mates and had previously been married to each other in another lifetime and had worked together in that lifetime helping people.

I had a reading done 8 years before moving to Australia, where I was told I would travel to another country and meet my friend over there and we would work together spiritually helping and healing people. When I had been given this reading by a clairvoyant I was quite mystified (but open-minded enough to listen and then wait and see) by what the reader told me, as I knew I didn't know anyone in any other country.

We did end up renting a 6 bedroom house together (which was another Universally orchestrated event as we both had no money at that time to even think about renting a house together) and we made it into a healing sanctuary where we did Reiki, spiritual healings and spiritual counselling together. Miracles do happen.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:31 AM
Enjoyed reading some of the great stories here. I definitely believe in reincarnation and have had several experiences similar to what is being described. Haven't had for years, I believe as we get older (at least in my case) some of our psychic ability and awareness dampens, we forgot about the bigger picture and get mired down in the mundane. I'm trying to actively fight against that, and in the last few yrs have felt a reawakening of a tiny, tentative sort. Anyway, yes, I believe you are drawn back to some of your old connections, that you have agreed between lives to find each other. Some of the connections, I believe, are ones that didn't work in the lifetimes before, issues you're still working out. For instance, I believe I tried to work on a couple of relationships in this lifetime that STILL didn't work out and I expect I'll meet them again and we'll try it again. If it's all about learning, seems like I have quite a bit more to do.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:02 PM
hoooo, i was hoping for a thread about this someday...
Too many experiences to share here

- I have this strong feeling of... i don't know how to call it in english, but "man friendship" with a friend, that's, indeed, a man (I'm a woman). Like if we were friends since forever and not the common female/male friendship, but so manly it scares me. We hit each other, drink beers together, swear like a buccaneer and smoke too much (I don't smoke nor swear very often... but when he's around...)
He did take a regression because he's so obsessed with WWII and weapons... like me btw, and he recalled that we were part of the SS in Nazi Germany and companions in the war. Scary.

- My first BF and me had also a very weird relationship. I knew him like if i were his mom. And his mom looked more than my mom than his, and she loved me so much. We recognized each other too. I still can feel him even when he's not even in my country anymore. I know when he's thinking about me, when he's down, when he's happy... Anyway, I've tried to let this cool down because he was very cruel with me in a moment and I really, really did a big effort to not hate him... Because I still feel him like if he were my son... or something (I think that only parents can forgive some attitudes of their children...)

- I have a strong link about some people I don't know in real life and that maybe I'll never meet. I do care more of them than some people i did know, and also think that someday our paths will cross in this reality, childish thinking if you ask me, but i really feel it. Maybe I know them in other dimensions, or other life, who knows. However, it's still so weird looking through a magazine and see a famous girl/guy and think: "God, s/he's fine. How glad I am s/he's going well... Maybe someday we can reach our hands again" and pass the page.

I can keep telling stories but those are the most weird. My mom asking me for advice forever is other one that's crazy... I really want to get a regression because that situation have puzzled me since forever

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 07:43 PM
I had this weird experience today. I brought a patient back and checked his vitals. As I was getting his history we were building report and shared a laugh. He was an older man and seemed very gentle. As I finished writing something he had just told me; I looked up at him to ask him something else pertinent to the office visit. I looked in his eyes and it was as if he turned into something without changing. I got this overwhelming fear over me unlike anything I have ever felt before. His face seemed elongated somewhat but it was still the same. He had a blank expression on his face while he looked in my eyes. I searched his face for some type of reasoning while I was trying to repress my feeling. I then looked back to the chart and then looked back at him and he had a smile that reached his eyes as if that moment had never occurred. I smiled and told him that the doctor would be with him shortly. And he told me that it was very nice to see me. I have never met him before today and I live nowhere near him. Feel free to respond with any thoughts (please be nice...)

Life is a beautiful mess...

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Anathema
This is a strange question I know, but please bare with me

Is it possible to recognize someone I knew in a past life in this life? It's kind of hard to explain but I'll try.
I ran across someones picture on a website and automatically recognized something about this person....But not the person. Something about this person was familiar...I don't know what. I automatically started to miss this person, someone who I've never met, talked to or anything. Then I started asking myself "I wonder if they still have their sense of humor".
My theory is that I'm somehow recognizing this person from a past life. I should point out that this persons physical appearance is not at all familiar, but yet something is.

I hope I've explained this well. If you need any clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.


Hey there ... can't believe I missed this

As a Pastlife Regression Therapist of almost 18yrs who has not only regressed 100's of people during that time but also recall 4 very detailed accounts of my own pastlives (spontaneously not deliberately regressed) ... I can say with all the confidence available in such a subject that YES ... you can recognize people in the flesh and in photographs/artwork from previous incarnations ... they may or may not have a part to play in our current lives or they may just be little passing reminders.

I once passed a guy in the street when I was shopping and we made split second eye-contact ... in that split second I recognized him ... missed him so much it physically hurt ... knew I would never see him again in this lifetime ... and more than that I knew by the look in his eye as he passed me he had felt the same thing.

One of the weirdest things I ever felt but real as I'm typing this post.


posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 09:29 AM
interesting thread

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