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Paul Hellyer, Sun Shili - Incredible UFO disclosure: ALIENS LIVING AMONG US

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posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 01:15 AM
From the article in the op.

Jerry Wills is an accomplished healer, explorer, and musician with the band UFAUX who recently participated in a world webcast in which Mr. Wills discussed his identity as an extraterrestrial from the Tau Ceti star system (12 light years from Earth) left here as an infant as part of a project of the Council of Worlds for the betterment of Earth.

Why are these types always "healers"?

I am sure lots of people paid good money to sit there and be told lies,just to appease their own beliefs so they can believe they are "in the know"

Carry on...nanoo nanoo!!

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 01:30 AM
easy to spot em , they dont like Durian .

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 02:20 AM
I am of the belief that UFOs exist as well as aliens, especially grey aliens, but possibly also reptilians, and possibly even humanoids that look like humans, but I'm not sure.

I have been looking into the idea that grey aliens are really humans from the future. There is a lot of speculation and deliberate disinformation out there, so it is not easy to pick fact from fiction.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: SkeptiSchism
Living among us? So they look just like us?
In a nut shell, yes. Think "They Live", but not all of them are bad, evil. Most actually dont even know. I suspect.

Right.. Just like in that movie, "Men in Black". The aliens could inhabit existing humans. Even dogs and cats!

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 05:19 AM
If people only knew of and shared the funny side of being an Abductee.....LMAO......I mean seriously......anyone know how it feels to share secrets with the highest type of Government officials...Defence know PH doesn't expound about personal experiences and he refers to things he has read....this is called avoiding culpability....but he is showing us all we can BELIEVE in each other and that it is important to do so....he is using his last bit of power in this world to push forward one singular it must be of great value to him that he do so.

IMHO he knows about the full monty but is simply smart and diplomatic about his approach even at his age.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 05:48 AM
Extra Terrestrials wasting their time trying to teach evolved neanderthals how to do new things....

Why do people even believe this garbage?

These intelligent beings from other worlds would be better off sending a fleet of starships and take Earth by force. It's not like we dumb humans can stop it.

Honestly if "aliens" wanted to change anything. The quickest way would be through direct forceful intervention on a physical plane of existence.

I'm just an evolved hybrid version of a primate to these so called "aliens". What do I know?

Ooohhh :O Aliens Among Us... The biggest lie anyone could impart on the general public.

edit on 31-1-2018 by WarPig1939 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

If there are aliens, then they are like us. There are good and bad ones, we must consider this.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

200 billion stars in the galaxy, and, according to NASA, most of them have multiple planets orbiting them.
Add to that, according to the best estimates, 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, and who knows how many that we can't see.

And it's the people who believe that we're not alone who are the idiots!

Ok then.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

I haven't been in a movie house in about 25 years and nothing on the large or small screen has had any effect on my life and I've never made a decision based on anything produced by anybody.

Does that matter?

A concept brought up in a movie can have an effect on anyone via social interaction.

You are such weak thinkers. YOU are the people being affected, not me. I don't watch TV news either aside from Hannity and it's only once a week. Regular news is a joke just like SPECTRUM news is, no substance. And I sleep 9 solid hours every night. What am I, the only clear-headed member of this forum? Prove me wrong, say something intelligent. Anyone?


Yes, we are sorry, its us not you.

If you think you have to watch TV news for it to influence you then there is nothing to say.

Anything said will be stupid compared to your superior intellect.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: WarPig1939
Extra Terrestrials wasting their time trying to teach evolved neanderthals how to do new things....

Why do people even believe this garbage?

These intelligent beings from other worlds would be better off sending a fleet of starships and take Earth by force. It's not like we dumb humans can stop it.

Honestly if "aliens" wanted to change anything. The quickest way would be through direct forceful intervention on a physical plane of existence.

I'm just an evolved hybrid version of a primate to these so called "aliens". What do I know?

Ooohhh :O Aliens Among Us... The biggest lie anyone could impart on the general public.
Sending in War Ships would not be the better thing to do. And besides the best teachers only give you the inspiration, not cram it down your throat.

Besides, someone show up claiming to save you would have to establish what they were saving you from. And that is something most all would reject out of hand, so figure it out for yourselves, and save yourselves. No ships are coming.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 10:18 PM
"...I watched Hellyer years ago and was shocked that a Canadian politician claimed aliens were here, on earth, with humans and no one in the room seemed surprised or shocked by these revelations. I began to wonder if this was a hoax or if he was mentally ill.

And then, nothing. In the news, internet, nothing-no responses.

What's up with that?..."

The silence in the MSM speaks volumes, not only about Hellyer, but many, many credible reports about UFOs, alien abductions, mysterious animal mutilations AND Pizzagate-child disappearnces and related subjects. There's an old motto-- "inquiring minds want to know." There seem to be no inquiring minds when the aforelisted subjects come up. The logical implication is that something(s) are being hidden. Freedom can only be sustained as long as people are kept informed of what is occurring that affects them. We need to wake up, speak out, and expose what is being kept from us!

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Lathroper

redefine the word alien, or rather "human" and that is true.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 10:51 PM
All the times I have listened to Hellyer, at press club meetings and the various committee briefings also attended by Knapp, Dolan, Howe et. all.. and all the retired active military brass and the control tower operators... I hear a sincere person , just like all of the rest of them, desperately trying to get people to pay attention.

We have to go with our intuition on these people because we can never truly experience what they are trying to convey. I find them all very believable, and as so, frustrated as hell for everyone involved.
edit on 31-1-2018 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: jamespond
a reply to: Lathroper

200 billion stars in the galaxy, and, according to NASA, most of them have multiple planets orbiting them.
Add to that, according to the best estimates, 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, and who knows how many that we can't see.

And it's the people who believe that we're not alone who are the idiots!

Ok then.

Isn't really the other way 'round, that believers who believe that we are not alone are the idiots? The proof is in the pudding. We are alone and it's a given. If you believe that we are not alone fortify your claim with evidence. Your numbers are meaningless. I use only the number 1: Earth!

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: Lathroper

I would go with the words "odd are,we are not alone".... But that's just me being non ignorant.

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
a reply to: Lathroper

I haven't been in a movie house in about 25 years and nothing on the large or small screen has had any effect on my life and I've never made a decision based on anything produced by anybody.

Does that matter?

A concept brought up in a movie can have an effect on anyone via social interaction.

I used to go to the movies to be entertained by good and bad actors that had learned their lines from scripts that were written by one or more individuals. Later on I learned about movie production from getting involved in productions and I was in a feature directed by Geneviève Reitman, wife of Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters). I never walked out of a theater ready to change my life. Frankly, when I watched movies I concentrated on the logic expressed and I found a lot of mistakes in all phases so there was no influence on me. Only those that need change in their life and they see a way to change based on the movies' premises is affected.

You are such weak thinkers. YOU are the people being affected, not me. I don't watch TV news either aside from Hannity and it's only once a week. Regular news is a joke just like SPECTRUM news is, no substance. And I sleep 9 solid hours every night. What am I, the only clear-headed member of this forum? Prove me wrong, say something intelligent. Anyone?


Yes, we are sorry, its us not you.

If you think you have to watch TV news for it to influence you then there is nothing to say.

News content doesn't influence me, just informs. Doesn't influence me because I'm at a stage in life where I'm too old to give a damn. Let those who want to get involved get influenced.

Anything said will be stupid compared to your superior intellect.

Pretty much.

edit on 1/31/2018 by Lathroper because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/31/2018 by Lathroper because: To correct my grammar

posted on Jan, 31 2018 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: Lathroper

redefine the word alien, or rather "human" and that is true.

The following may sound naive but is is the view that I presently hold until it's overridden by a better on based on facts.

Alien, not referring to those that are not American, means non-Earthling as in ETs. However, aside from seeing UFOs near and over the Moon, in some Mars photos and in near outer space - which are rightly called ETs - are not what I mean by aliens/E-Ts. To me, the belief held by most of humanity that aliens/ETs are from other galaxies, etc., is what I don't buy.

No one has any evidence that what could be inside UFOs are those type of aliens. UFOs do not necessarily mean they carry beings, UFOs could be remotely-controlled craft. If there are beings of some sort inside UFOs we can't even begin to guess where they're from or where they go. If some UFOs are remotely-controlled then the controllers have to be somewhere. But since we're discussing the unknown then let's also include inter-dimensional realities.

The big problem is that we don't know anything and guessing is a waste of time. Nothing will be known until a major step is taken just by one UFO landing anywhere on Earth with enough witnesses to solidify that the experience is real similar to the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still". But even then would such an event represent all UFO "occupants"?

edit on 1/31/2018 by Lathroper because: To add additional comments.

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Lathroper

The closest we've come to similar revelations was when President Reagan gave 3 alien threat speeches

I would also add to that shortlist of 'close calls' for Disclosure, the speech which Jean-Claude Juncker gave to the European Parliament last year (or year before) in which he referred to the fact that "...people from other planets" were worried about the climate/ global warming/ pollution crisis which we are facing in the world today..

I wonder whether we will see 'Disclosure with a capital D', whereby we are largely 'read in' to the ET issues facing humanity, or perhaps 'Disclosure Lite', in which we receive very low amounts of detail but a general confirmation that ET exists & has been spotted in the skies, or possibly even a 'Disclosure for Deception Purposes', whereby we are manipulated by our human leaders for the purpose of utilising us/ our reactions to the alleged disclosure as pawns & power plays in a larger game which is not in our best interests.

Interesting Times!

edit on FebruaryThursday1802CST06America/Chicago-060056 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Feb, 1 2018 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Justso
I watched Hellyer years ago and was shocked that a Canadian politician claimed aliens were here, on earth, with humans and no one in the room seemed surprised or shocked by these revelations. I began to wonder if this was a hoax or if he was mentally ill.

And then, nothing. In the news, internet, nothing-no responses.

What's up with that?

That's because Hellyer himself has said that his belief in aliens visitation does NOT come from anything he learned as Defense Minister. He is merely a person who believes in alien visitation (like others, from all walks of life), but who also happened to be Defense Minister.

For what it's worth, I believe there is something to what he said-he knows people and was probably privy to info we are not.

That would be speculation. There is nothing that he has ever said or done that would support that he knows secrets about aliens.

Reagan was and so was Carter.

Reagan did in fact say "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world" in a speech to the UN...

...But the context of that speech was about how even cold-war enemies such as the U.S. and the Soviet Union would find their difference to be trivial in the face of a greater threat. It was simply a metaphor to show that enemies could find ways to work together for a common good.

Jimmy Carter's account was simply something weird he (like others, from all walks of life) once witnessed -- i.e., a bright light in the sky. I mean, people (even future presidents) can see things in the sky that they personally think is odd. That's not disclosure.

edit on 1/2/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

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