posted on Jan, 25 2018 @ 11:11 AM
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Hi Dear ntech,
Here the problem as far as it has been suggested by the multiple criminal investigations that are running on the 2016 election scandal is Not that the
votes were actually altered through any electronic means, but that there were there situations:
1) illegal funding of at least one of the campaigns, possible both, that was funneled through foundations from foreign governments interested in to
influence the election.
2) that electronic espionage was carried out to obtain information that was confidential from the wikileaks that damaged one of the candidates.
3) that there were cyberattacks against the websites and email servers of at least one of the campaigns in what could be also part of a political
espionage scheme.
I really pray to God that at No point of this political scandal something else closer to the actual voting or the computation of the votes would be
substantiated, since that is possible the only way to really invalidate an election.
Now, following your suggestion, I think the only way to stop completely risk of boycott in the communications of the campaign might be to return to
the time all was done in paper, including the mailing between headquarters and regional offices, but is that really practical?
Watergate involved to electronic espionage but it was carried out over recordings of meetings and possible private telephone conversations.
The Angel of LIghtness
edit on 1/25/2018 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)