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weird story area 51

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posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:55 AM
Ok this happened to my dad so I tell you it in his words
When he was 9 on a sunday he went near area 51 and he saw a train go around a corner and vanish. and then something hit him and then he woke up in the same spot when he when home and said to his mom I'm ready for Sunday school. She said something like Where the hell were you and he was like what are you talking about and she said it's tuesday and he was like what and about a month later he fractured a vertibrie in his back and the docters found this weird peace of unknown metal in his back they removed it and they never figured out what kind of metal it was and he doesn't know how it got there
what do you think???????

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:09 AM
is your father still in possession of this peculiar metal that was removed from his vertebrae? if so a picture would be gladly in issue if possible.

as for what happened, well it sounds like most encounters people have with things they shouldn't be meddling with...

[btw i never knew there were trains going through the desert in Nevada - correct me if i'm wrong]

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 05:54 PM
This was weird for me. I was on a training course back in the 90's. I was in a room full of people. Mostly women on this refresher office course.
There must have been about 20-25 of us. Well on the first daY we had to introduce ourselves to each other and at the same time passing round a peice of paper, jotting our name's on it and passing it along. All was going well. Some of of the people were chatting quietly, but as i did'nt know anyone i just sat there taking in the atmosphere waiting for the next instruction. After a few second's of passing on the sheet of paper with my name on it i felt someone staring at me from th otherside of the room. Bearring in mind we were all in a very large circle.As i looked up i caught the eye of this young woman, who i would guess was around my age at that time. She smiled, so i smiled back to be polite as she was not talking to anyone either. I thought no more about it, but when it got to lunch time and everyone was going their seperate way's for their lunch as i picked up my bag to go this woman was standing in front of me. As i stood up she said to me that her Grandad was at Roswell and that the stories about the alien's were true, because she had the proof from her Grandad. She went on to say that her decendent's were from Roswell and it was the family name. I could'nt quite get my head round this. I had never met this woman in my life and i never saw her the following day on the course. I did'nt just stand there. Although as she spoke to me i felt the hair standing up on the back of my neck and a chill went right up my spine. I did try to get her to elaborate on what she had told me, but in all the noise of the people leaving the room it was rather difficult. She seemed to just disappear in the crowd and to this day i have'nt seen her since!

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 06:08 PM
My PC is playing me up now. I suppose that's just a coincedence, just like eveything else!!

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Cobra1982
I think this topic should be closed. Absolute bull#.

You again with your snide comments.....I bet you're some angry, zit faced
young punk with too much time on his hands who's angry at the world. Be constructive or don't be at all.

I happen to find some things interesting and worthy of understanding so keep your nasty comments to yourself.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:03 PM
Further to what i was trying to explain about what happened to me on that course. I swear that it really happened! I kno w it sound's rediculous i kno that , i'm not stupid and i know how it must look. I'm not suggesting read more into thing's than are really there. But you have to look at the wider picture. I have come to the conclusion that there may be subliminal messages written in all this. It's not just a case of someone in England somewhere with the name Roswell who claim's to be a decendent is it? Of course i'm not thick, but the whole senario woke me up once again to the strange encounter's that i've had all m,y life one way or another. It was like a reminder, even perhap's a wake up call. I don't know that's why ive come to this site. I need help and so far i have'nt recieved any because i did'nt know who to talk to. The sceptict's out there are lucky that's all i can say, because like everything in this life untill it happen's to you, then who are you to judge! I was quite upset by the comment's, but i kind of expected it.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:57 PM

There are a number of trolls on the site that just post to derail threads, just ignore them, replying only feeds their warped egos.

Both stories here are interesting, if unverifiable. As for yours, why do you say it seems to you like a pattern? what else has happened that ties into Roswell and the kind of incident you described?

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 08:16 PM
I have no connection with Roswell whatsoever. I only know the story i have read and seen in documentaries about the crash like most people. That was why it was so freaky when a complete stranger comes out with something like that. I could write a bookabout my experiences, but i would'nt know where to start. As i said earlier that's why i'm here, trying to make sense of it all! I'm not pretending to be anything special, or something i'm not. Believe me! Maybe if i had had a choice i would have opted out, but i never had a choice. I have never had any psyciatric problem's a bit of mild depression once, but nothing serious. That was only because of sleep deprivation. I would cry myself to sleep, cos i was so scared. I would stay up all night to scared to go to bed. . I was absolutely terrified of that point where one minute your awake, then you are officially asleep. That to me was the danger zone, for me. Believe me this is true, i will explain to you from the begining as soon as the opportunity arises. Thank you for listening if you know what i mean.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Doe's anyone know anyone that can write backward's with either hands?

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:06 PM
My brother can. Has been able to, since he was 8 or so.

As far as the OP's "tale", I'm not aware of any trains that pass near
to Groom.

Is anyone else ?


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:23 PM
wow thats a very starnge story you guys are lucky i havent had any sightings atall and cant wait until i see a UFO/alien maybe one day all i can do is hope

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