posted on Jan, 26 2018 @ 05:31 AM
It's very simple actually, on why she lost. The others commenting on this post are spot on. My reasons all carry equal weight but below are my
1. She relied on the illegal alien vote and uneducated, uninformed voter. From what I have recently read, California doesn't even require voter
identification now.
2. She had No platform but to continue the failed, socialist agenda of Obama. Also, every one should be very concerned about Bernie Sanders and his
socialist agenda. He is just a crooked as Hillary.
3. She proudly wanted to bring in millions of UN-vetted, Muslim extremist elements, and make the USA a "sanctuary country", to secure the future
Democrat voter base. Also, she wanted to completely open the borders. (Which Trump wants to close).
4. She forgot about the "People". "We the people" .
5. She felt entitled. Just read her book.
6. She had the backing and total support of the far left "news" media which only pumped up her corrupt ego.
In my opinion, "We the people" finally woke up, and sent a message to the corrupt Washington elitist. The swamp is slowly draining.
People just wanted the Clinton's, and their corrupt dynasty to go away. Benghazi, Uranium One, the corrupt Clinton Foundation are just a few other
reasons. It all added up.
The far left liberal news organizations, and the polls they conducted, had her swimming in sunshine. Boy, were they wrong. LMAO.
I'm actually surprised the final vote was as close as it was.
I have absolutely no problem with having a female POTUS and we will someday. Within my lifetime, I hope. I am 58 years "young". But definitely not
This country needs term limits on all elected government, at all levels. City, County, State and federal levels. Especially the Senate, and House. I
could go on and on but I'll stop here.
Most everyone posting here has said the same thing.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox. The above just reflects my views and is not intended to offend any person, group, or political affiliation.
If I did offend you, I really don't care.