originally posted by: dashen
wonder if he returned the money
I think he might have given away his "tell"...?
It's like he's attending a pizza party in his own mind - what DOES he think he knows, precisely?
Was the train crash an inside job of some kind ie: did the truck have computer controls onboard?
People driving trucks don't stop on train tracks and wait to be hit (by a train full of Republicans, including Nunes).
The poor survivor, I sure hope he makes it, and that the lord and a TON of security protects him at the hospital..
He knows what happened..!
Q - we need to start getting some real answers and REAL NEWS - no scandal is too much for us to take. Human history itself is hanging in the balance.
We can TAKE IT! We're ready.
You could start by letting it out what really happened in Vegas, and what is in those missing texts which some a-hole handed over to Mueller. If the
President's life was threatened - bust them. If they've been at cheese pizza and pasta parties, bust them.
With Justice, true Justice, however painful it might be to have to grapple with, there's a real standard there, taking a stand on behalf of us all
(Jesus, soldiers..), and thus, what might be called new pasture or a clearing, a gateway, and a royal arch, presents itself upheld by THE keystone (as
the stone that was rejected by the builders, the people), across which we might begin to pass into everlasting freedom, and brotherly love and mutual
prosperity and authentic security.
We need scandal after scandal after scandal, but with only the TRUTH, nothing more.. (said like Morpheus).
And if it frightens the MSM and all the bad actors, so be it (I think they're already there, with this train thing an absolute horror for them if it's
determined, whether secretly or publically, that there's more to that story than meets the eye [ie: just an accident and unusual coincidence?].
We can handle it. So many of us already know and we're red pilling the rest, while a few crazy leftists rage at the sky for reasons that they are not
consciously aware of - we'll take good care of them too with the utmost compassion.
On the other side of, the superblue bloodred moon. It's not a russian agent but it is a sign from God imbedded straight into the cosmic order of
things, like a signature by the hand of God (earth-moon-sun configuration) and one which Jesus himself used to tremendous effect.
This goes way wayyyyy behond "the memo", and I think that train crash might have been a threat and that Bill Kristol (check his timestamp) knew about
it in advance, because he's connected with those bad actors.
If you need to just say it's an accident for now, fine.
I believe this was their great hoodwink, the one the devil always walks striaght into blind as a bat and blinded by hatred and bloodlust and the joys
of a secret revenge (CS).
WWJD? What DID he do?
He gave it all to uphold the standard of truth and justice, to hold in reserve everything that's worth living for and even dying for, and here we all
are entering the fray with our entire being and allowing our voices to be heard LOUDLY, shouting from the rooftops!!!
We can trend any hashtag, at will.
We are talking with our friends and neighnors and colleagues, prepaing them for some news to start coming out regarding some very BAD BAD actors and
We know what you're up against, and we're are so with you, Q, and Mr. T, you have no idea, or maybe you do. Maybe you listen and watch.
We are like a lighthouse on the very shoals of destruction. We're the man who climbed the wall over what these people have been doing and were up to.
We've stood in the doorway, and in the gate, like Samson to hold it open (ie: through the 9/11 BS).
We'll all been waiting patiently for this day, dear Patriots one and all.
I'm not even American myself. I'm a Canadian. But we're all citizens of the world. American first also puts the world first (I can't wait to start
harnessing some of all this American progress and prosperity.. and am prepped and ready to roll!), a clean and authentic and true America, with
Liberty and Justice for ALL.
If you don't have that, and allow the satanic order to continue to thrive and to live another day, then what are we doing?
You have to indict and arrest and very quickly move up the chains all the way to the so-called "highest" levels and bring them all down with their own
crap and nonsense.
How many of these people are there - maybe 10,000? across the world, maybe a million, total (truly evil cabalistic)?
Every Civilized Government and Institution simply MUST be "jolted" to stand against these monstrosities, not by a garbage truck but with the truth, so
that a bright future might arise to live another day (on the other side of the tomb and the ordeal).
Let's walk straight across that holy bridge, we can't just "troll" them forever. Something MUST be done, and thus the Q Quietude we're into now, as
the whole thing is properly evaluated.
One thing I do know - their structure needs to fall and become 3 times fallen, without replacing it without another evil system or just trying to tamp
it down a bit for a while, while it schemes on the sidelines with a wicked, knowing grin.. like CS [EVIL].
Their house is built on sand, or at best a house of cards. Pull out one or two and the rest just fall like dominos.
God is with you, with US, in this great battle, as we WE, THE PEOPLE. Where we go one we go all!
Jesus held in reserve for us the right and the priviledge to have our good-natured, good-willed, humor and charm and bright optimism and HOPE (real
hope) - RESTORED!
But without Justice, humor dies, and oh what a terrible way to go, as many have fallen.
We cannot allow that to happen to us (loss of humor and charm) in the process, which is why i always recommend to Q whereever possible, to re-read the
book "Moby Dick" (as well as the Bible) as an appropriate allegory to what's really going on here as "they" scuttle their ship on the rock of ages,
where for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and then some.
They've gone and done it to themselves.
My instinct tells me that maybe Bill Kristol's tweet might not have been close to an hour after the event was first known. If so... and if I'm wrong -
The darkness is just the contrast and the foil, once they've completely fallen victim to the hoodwink, yet again, and again to a blood red moon, like
some sort of cosmic theodolite (ancient measuring lens across the verticle and horizontal) in time and history, according to the true measure of THE
man among all men, Jesus Christ himself (who stands even taller than James Comey lol).
MAGA - "the people ARE Making America Great Again" an interesting turn of phrase and a departure from its previous framing..
That's why I "act as if". (in case anyone was wondering).
And why shouldn't any of us have a voice and be heard?
with Love,
AnkhMorpork #ReleaseTheMemoNow.
edit on 31-1-2018 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)