posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 06:56 PM
Good evening.
I've been lurking and reading here at ATS for years. I'm not sure exactly why I decided to sign up for a membership, but I have, and I apologize in
advance to any of you who will interact with me on these forums.
I'm a 40-something. I'm 2 weeks away from the final defense of my PhD research in Industrial Engineering. I've been interested in certain
conspiracy theories for quite a few years now, and I found ATS to be perhaps the best source for information and discussions about these particular
I don't tend to post often. Mostly, I know I have nothing to contribute so I keep my mouth shut. Sometimes though, I post and I ought not to. I'm
skeptical of almost everything and I don't swallow BS easily. I realize I have the character flaw of just speaking my mind without regard for the
consequences, and I am trying to work on it. If I reply to you and come across as curt or as a smart-alec, it is most likely not intentional nor
malicious. You don't know me and I don't know you, so it isn't personal. Sometimes I post weird things that seem to make no sense to anyone, and
I do that to try and interject some humor. However, my jokes are like hot chicks - hard to get, and when you do, they aren't as good as you thought
they might be.
So for now, that's my introduction. Goodnight.