posted on Jan, 23 2018 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to:
Fair enough, that's an interesting take... and speaking of something inappropriate, I'm going to share my mini-conspiracy theory regarding Zahi
Hawass. It's not even elaborate, it's pretty straightforward and it has nothing to do with the Tutankhamen tomb hoax that AdKiller shared although it
will fit seamlessly to my theory... so, here goes:
Maybe, Zahi Hawass was hand-picked for the job to grandstand the dig at the tomb of Tutankhamun's wife to divert attention to maybe possible further
investigations of the voids found in the Khufu pyramid through thermal imaging scans, the Hawara underground complex and the suspected chambers
beneath the Sphinx, which at least for a layman like me are far more interesting and more important.
Whether the purported hoax regarding the discovery of King Tut's tomb has merit or not, I'll leave that to the experts.
edit on 09 11 2015 by MaxTamesSiva because: (no reason given)