posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 06:50 PM
Cigarettes are legal.
Cigarettes are known to kill people.
You can no longer advertise cigarettes unless the adverts are on the buildings that sell them.
Guns are legal.
Guns are known to kill people.
You can no longer advertise guns unless the adverts are on buildings that sell them.
How long will it take before that last sentence is true?
I just passed a covered bus stop bench in Phoenix with an advert for a gun show. I was smoking a cigarette at the time and my mind put 1 and 1
Cigarettes used to be socially acceptable until the medical community deemed them a public health hazard.
Which be the one to step up and make us see guns as we do Cigarettes? As the killers
that they are?
Remember, a cigarette is the same as a gun. Lying dormant and unused, they're harmless. Pick one up and the story changes.
Feel free to repost on any social media site of your choosing. I know I will.
edit on 26-2-2018 by DeepImpactX because: (no reason