posted on Jan, 16 2018 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to:
You say that, but prior to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, and the subsequent creation of AQ, with Osama Bin Laden at its head with the backing
of the agency, Afghanistan was a forward looking, beautiful, advanced nation, certainly by comparison with todays Afghanistan. Religions other than
Muslim were not attacked piecemeal just because they were breathing, women could wear largely whatever they liked, there were gorgeous ornamental
gardens, modern schools educating women and boys equally, little violence of the tribalist nature.
Such an interesting and beautiful place, both topographically and in terms of its culture was it, that people from the west used to holiday there, go
on tours there. It was not a dangerous place.
Now, thanks to the cultural meddling that happened as a result of the CIAs proxy agents in the area, the place has been indoctrinated all to hell,
the beauty sapped from its areas of natural wonder, the diversity slashed from its culture entirely, and religious fundamentalism is rampant, where it
was virtually absent before. Afghanistan is far from the only location in terms of the Muslim world, which has been so corrupted, having previously
been on a path of modernisation, by the CIA and its proxies in the region.