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The Mars Anomalies: Your Opinions

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posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 08:49 AM
Greetings All,

For awhile now, I have been gathering information on the Mars Anomalies. In doing so, I have found that Mars has, in fact, quite alot of anomalies. I am sure that some of us are familiar with a few of those that I wish to present. Most of us are quite familiar with probably the most famous of them and that being called: 'The Face.'

In respect to the topic, I should mention that Mars is currently on a orbital path which will bring it closer to Earth than it has been in approxly. 70,000 +/- years. Also, it must be mentioned that the United States has the Exploration Rover 'Spirit' on a intercept path with Mars with another Exploration Rover 'Opportunity' to follow. Britain has the 'Beagle2' and the European's have the 'Mars Express.' And thats not counting 'who' will be next. All this attention being directed towards Mars almost leaves one to wonder 'why'? The answer may or may not be so obvious. Its an understood fact that 'exploration' will be the key but in light of current 'landing' spots/area's choosen for the two US Exploration Rover's it also begs one to wonder. Do 'they' know something 'we' don't? Is exploration and 'getting to know' Mars a way for NASA and others concerned to beguile the public; to possibly 'hide' the real possible reason's for this 'exploration' and 'getting to know Mars'? Or does NASA and those concerned really have nothing to hide and is being fully cooperative? You decide.

I am not writing this to say either way on anything. I am writing this so that 'you', those giving the opinion's can have the say. I do think, that with anything requiring interpretations, that what one may percieve as being something, that another may percieve it as nothing or as the opposite. That is the understood nature of opinions. I am merely presenting these anomalies for your interpretations. You be the judge for it is your eyes that are seeing these images, not theirs nor mine.....yours. In viewing these anomalies, it does beg to ask some 'stark' questions. Are these anomalies attributed to natural geographic phenomena? Are they attributed to past or present 'life'? Are they merely unexplainable at this time? Are they just plain mysteries? Do they indicate anything? And a few more I have probably failed to bring up. Again, it is your ultimate interpretation I am seeking. Enjoy.

*NOTE: Please understand that some of these links to said images and info may, indeed, be slow to download due to the graphic nature or the photo content of the page(s). I also hope that many will fully participate in this as to justly obtain their true interpretations. Please note also, that many of these images/photos can be enlarged for further clarification.

In gathering this, I ran across some information that may or may not cause you to pause and think. This information is in regards to NASA. As I stated above, is NASA on the 'straight' with us or is she indeed 'hiding' or misleading the public of its past findings and of current knowledge based on those findings? Again, you be the judge.

Here is the first article entitled:
"NASA's Extraterrestrial Law"

"Is NASA Capable of Lying?"

"NASA Tendency to Hide Information"

"The Bottom Line"

And these two articles pertaining to the Viking Project:
Historic Mars Lander -Viking- 'Did Find Life'?"

"Debate on Mars Life Rages Long After Viking"

And to the anomalies.

From the Viking Era anomalies:

From the Mars Global Surveyor anomalies:

From Mars Pathfinder and Sojourner anomalies:

From Mars Pathfinder anomalies:

Mars Global Surveyor Cydonia anomalies:

Pyramids on Mars?:

Orion Mapped on Mars?:

Artificial Constructs on Mars?:

Unusual Craters on Mars:

Large Geometric Grid Found on Mars: "The regularity of the lines is remarkable, and suggests intelligent design. Could this be geographical phenomenon? If so, it appears to be the first of its kind."

Martian Monoliths or What?:

Monoliths or What: Rectilinear Confirmation:

More anomalies:

The Face:

The Crowned Face:

Pathfinder Martian-Lifeforms?:

Viking Martian-Lifeforms?

Mars Global Surveyor Martian-Lifeforms?:

More interesting Mars anomalies:

And a very fascinating site with "true"/actual images of further Mars anomalies:

Sorry for the length but I do hope all enjoyed.


[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Seekerof]

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Seekerof]

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Seekerof]

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:24 AM
BTW friend, if i remember correctly, Mars Express and Beagle 2 are the same project. ME will carry beagle to mars then beagle will land, but i think ME will stay in orbit

Oh, and do you or anyone else happen to know the names of the two moons of mars? i think i know but not for sure. and if you know who or what they are named after please tell!

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:39 AM
Phobos and Deimos are the moons of Mars. Phobos is the smaller of the two. I believed they are named after some obscure mythological characters.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:46 AM
Tricks of light and shadow...

As for:

All this attention being directed towards Mars almost leaves one to wonder 'why'?

the answer is simple....

We want to know...we're curious about our neighbor. Also, we want to eventually use this as a platform for further exploration. Plus, we may be able to terraform it, and make it a second earth. The real question would be "why not?" I think you may be reading too much into this, as there are plenty of valid reasons to go to Mars, that have nothing to do with ET's....

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:49 AM
Wow Seekerof, that is quite an impressive collection of links! I'll post my thoughts once I've examined the posted evidence.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:51 AM
Thanx MichealG!!!

Phobos and Deimos? hmmmmm....Ah yes! now I remember - DOOM

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by MichaelG
Phobos and Deimos are the moons of Mars. Phobos is the smaller of the two. I believed they are named after some obscure mythological characters.

Here some info about the two moons


Phobos is the larger and innermost of Mars' two moons. Phobos is closer to its primary than any other moon in the solar system, less than 6000 km above the surface of Mars. It is also one of the smallest moons in the solar system. In Greek mythology, Phobos is one of the sons of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). "phobos" is Greek for "fear" (the root of "phobia"). Discovered 1877 August 12 by Hall; photographed by Mariner 9 in 1971, Viking 1 in 1977, and Phobos in 1988.(Orbit: 9378 km from the center of Mars, Diameter: 22.2 km (27 x 21.6 x 18.8), Mass: 1.08e16 kg)

*** The last picture from the Phobos 2 Space Probe shows Phobos moon with a cigar shaped object (UFO) ***

I'll come back on that UFO later


Deimos is the smaller of the two Martian moons and is less irregular in shape. The largest crater on Deimos is approximately 2.3 km in diameter, 1/5 the size of the largest crater on Phobos. Although both moons are heavily cratered, Deimos has a smoother appearance caused by the partial filling of some of its craters. When impacted, dust and debris will leave the surface of the moon because it doesn't have enough gravitational pull to retain the ejecta. However, the gravity from Mars will keep a ring of this debris around the planet in approximately the same region that the moon orbits. As the moon revolves, the debris is redeposited as a dusty layer on its surface.

I know that many Probe sent to mars as been lost mysteriously without any apparents reasons. I know that most probe failed to acheive mars orbit. Some of the probes are suspected to be sabotaged, but I'll look at it and I'll post later.

Good post Seek

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Tricks of light and shadow...

As for:

All this attention being directed towards Mars almost leaves one to wonder 'why'?

the answer is simple....

We want to know...we're curious about our neighbor. Also, we want to eventually use this as a platform for further exploration. Plus, we may be able to terraform it, and make it a second earth. The real question would be "why not?" I think you may be reading too much into this, as there are plenty of valid reasons to go to Mars, that have nothing to do with ET's....

First off, thank you, Gazrok, and, indeed, thank everyone who has thus far posted to this topic.

Secondly, I am merely presenting information on the Mars anomalies. Last I checked 'anomally' or 'anomalous' refered to anything or something which deviates or departs from the regular arrangement, general rule of things, or usual methods; abnormal or abnormalites; seeming to be inconsistent, contradictory or improper in relation to the anomolies environment or setting.

I have no doubts that there are plenty of good and logical reasons to goto Mars. As to the matter of future terra-forming, thats a matter of future speculations, postulations, and has a 'moral' implication(s) as well. As to the actual task of terra-forming, would it not be prudent to make sure that there is, indeed, no active 'life' on Mars? This topic nor any discussion of this matter is being necessarily linked to "ET's", but if I am not correct, "ET's" refers to anything that maybe defined or considered 'life' beyond the notion of what 'life' here on Earth is.

"If believing in ET's-Alien's,etc...past or present/or even in G-d is considered irrational; is not believing in them also considered rational?"

Thank you again and with respect.

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:29 PM
As for:

All this attention being directed towards Mars almost leaves one to wonder 'why'?

the answer is simple....

We want to know...we're curious about our neighbor. Also, we want to eventually use this as a platform for further exploration. Plus, we may be able to terraform it, and make it a second earth. The real question would be "why not?" I think you may be reading too much into this, as there are plenty of valid reasons to go to Mars, that have nothing to do with ET's....

That is true, allthough it would take many many years to terraform it. But it is a great place to explore, and see the possible 'past' or even 'future' earth.

Also, I remenber the names of Mars's moons from the show Sealab 2021 "Martian Law"

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:33 PM
Didn't they do a high-res rescan on the face and found it to be a pile of rocks?

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by MichaelG
Phobos and Deimos are the moons of Mars. Phobos is the smaller of the two. I believed they are named after some obscure mythological characters.

They were named after two dogs belonging to Mars.
I dunno if they were guard dogs or just pets though.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:21 PM
The Mars anomolies investigated to date have proven to be geographic formations that play hell with imaginative minds when the light is just right.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
The Mars anomolies investigated to date have proven to be geographic formations that play hell with imaginative minds when the light is just right.

I found this on a google search about the face:

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:28 PM
I'll get back to you in a couple of days(weeks), after i go through all those links.
You seem very interested on this topic.
I'll look through and form my own opinion.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Sarcasimo

Originally posted by Valhall
The Mars anomolies investigated to date have proven to be geographic formations that play hell with imaginative minds when the light is just right.

I found this on a google search about the face:

Thats a very good and informative article Sarcasimo. Great find.

Btw, welcome to ATS.


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I'll get back to you in a couple of days(weeks), after i go through all those links.
You seem very interested on this topic.
I'll look through and form my own opinion.

Thats a no problemo Zero. My interest in it is merely a 'fascination', of sorts. I only wished to present some of the Mars anomalies here so that we all could give our own thoughts and opinions.

Take your time.


posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 07:46 PM
Found another article on the Mars Artificial Structures.



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