posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to:
I think that, on the surface, it is easy to lump it in with "money," but there is quite a bit more going on with it than just currency. I'd even go so
far as to say that putting it into such a forum would perpetuate the erroneous notion that we are dealing with something that is directly correlated
and compared to something like the US dollar.
Because of the more extensive facets and possibilities, I still feel it would have a better home in the aforementioned "Accelerating Change," or maybe
"Singularity" forum (title doesn't matter all to much).
Its a very unique and novel time for our species, but the topics pertaining to that tend to be spread throughout many other forums. That makes it
tougher to get a nice, concise look at the whole picture as well as limiting possible beneficial insights from the membership.