posted on Jan, 6 2018 @ 01:36 PM
During the entire duration of Project Blue Book, a questionnaire developed by the US Air Force's Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) was used to
"provide the investigators enough information to determine what the unknown phenomenon most likely was. The duration of the sighting, the date, time,
location, or position in the sky, weather conditions, and the manner of appearance or disappearance are essential clues for investigators evaluating
reported UFO sightings." ("How To Investigate a Flying Saucer") This vetting process allowed the investigators to categorize the reports based on the
presented facts, the categories being:
Astronomical (including bright stars, planets, comets, fireballs, meteors, and auroral streamers); Aircraft (propeller aircraft, jet aircraft,
refueling missions, photo aircraft, advertising aircraft, helicopters); Balloons; Satellites; Other (including missiles, reflections, mirages,
searchlights, birds, kites, spurious radar indications, hoaxes, fireworks, and flares); Insufficient Data; and finally, Unidentified. ("How To
Investigate a Flying Saucer")
The subjects: propeller aircraft, jet aircraft, refueling missions, photo aircraft, advertising aircraft, helicopters, balloons, earth satellites,
astronomical events, and other categories are expanded upon in the "History and methodology of "flying saucer" intelligence" ("History and methodology
of 'flying saucer' intelligence"), defining the classification in detail.
In a memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence, dated September 24,
1952, it points out that there had been:
an inquiry conducted by the Office of Scientific Intelligence to determine whether there are national security implications in the problem of
"unidentified flying objects," i.e., flying saucers; whether adequate study and research is currently being directed to this problem in its relation
to such national security implications; and what further investigation and research should be instituted, by whom, and under what aegis. (Office of
Scientific Intelligence, p.4)
Within this memorandum, Chadwell explains the inquiry and what questions had to be answered in order for the OSI to reach a conclusion. He
poses questions like air vulnerability in the US and the psychological effect on individuals. Item 5 of the September 24, 1952 memorandum, Chadwell
sums up that the purpose of ATIC is not only to study the UFO sighting cases, but to solve them; and his recommendation on how to go about doing that.
It was found that the ATIC study is probably valid if the purpose is limited to a case-by-case explanation. However, that study does not solve the
more fundamental aspects of the problem. These aspects are to determine definitely the nature of the various phenomena which are causing these
sightings, and to discover means by which these cause, and their visual or electronic effects, may be identified immediately. The CIA consultants
stated that these solutions would probably be found on the margins or just beyond the frontiers of our present knowledge in the fields of atmospheric,
ionospheric, and extraterrestrial phenomena, with the added possibility that the present dispersal of nuclear waste products might also be a factor.
They recommended that a study group be formed to perform three functions:
a. analyze and systematize the factors which constitute the fundamental problem;
b. determine the fields of fundamental science which must be investigated in order to reach an understanding of the phenomena involved; and
c. make recommendations for the initiation of appropriate research. (Office of Scientific Intelligence, p.5)
In a second memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence from Chadwell, dated October 2, 1952, Chadwell cuts to the point with the Office of
Scientific Intelligences official findings. He covers four topics: problem, facts and discussion, conclusion, and action recommended. Under
conclusion, Chadwell points out that there is indeed a threat to national security. "CONCLUSIONS-"Flying saucers" pose two elements of danger which
have national security implications. The first involves mass psychological considerations and the second concerns the vulnerability of the United
States to air attack. Both factors are amplified in TAB A." (Office of Scientific Intelligence, p.1)
In January 1953, the Scientific Advisory Panel On Unidentified Flying Objects was formed. This panel:
was composed of civilian scientists outside the government with well-known and respected names—H. P. Robertson, Luis W. Alvarez, Lloyd V. Berkner,
S. A. Goudsmit, Thornton Page. Following is an extract from their report: The panel . . . has reviewed a selection of the best documented incidents. .
. . We firmly believe that there is no residuum of cases which indicates phenomena which are attributable to foreign artifacts capable of hostile
acts, and that there is no evidence that the phenomena indicate a need for the revision of current scientific concepts. The panel further concludes
that the continued emphasis on the reporting of these phenomena does, in these perilous times, result in a threat to the orderly functioning of the
protective organs of the body politic. We cite as examples the clogging of channels of communication by irrelevant reports, the danger of being led by
continued false alarms to ignore real indications of hostile action, and the cultivation of a morbid national psychology in which skillful hostile
propaganda could induce hysterical behavior and harmful distrust of duly constituted authority. The panel recommended: That the national security
agencies take immediate steps to strip the unidentified flying objects of the special status they have been given and the aura of mystery they have
unfortunately acquired. ("History and methodology of 'flying saucer' intelligence")
This panel had covered multiple topics including: potential related dangers, geographic locations of unexplained sightings, instrumentation to obtain
data, radar problem of mutual interference, and unexplained cosmic ray phenomena. (Comments And Suggestions Of UFO Panel)