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Al Queda (is it like that?)

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posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 12:38 AM
can someone tell abit more about them? since from the news all i hear is that " they are dangerous" , " they have many members in many countries", "are planning chemical/nuclear strikes", thats just about all i read about them. and then the US intelligentsia gives warnings that this here is a very dangerous time etc, and ive read like 3 news articles stating " US uppers its state of emergency to defcon x" etc.
it just makes me wonder, that they are labelled as such a big threat, but still all we see is bombings in middle east, "a bus destroyed by Al Queda" and news like that.

it has just come across my mind, that al queda isnt as strong as we are made to believe, maybe the US goverment is just exaggerating the threat to justify their wars else where saying " uuh, this is a very huge al queda supporting country, we must attack it NOW"
now this could be a part of the NWO plans, since they have barely no foothold in these middle east countries. they need to get these countries under their feet before any NWO plans can take place.

now i am most likely wrong, since i havent much read anything on al queda, butit just seems like a huge smokescreen to me. ive seen a dosen programs about how easy it is to make a leathal virus, and still nothing.
any comments anyone?

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:25 AM

Al-Quida is the most provocative terror group ever. Yet, that is the problem. The common man thinks that Al-Quida is a terror group. It isn't. It is a committee. It is a collective of terror groups. We are not fighting a war against Al-Quida. We are fighting a war against all the major players in terror. From Al-Jihad to the Al-Ansar Group, to Abu Sayyaf to Hamas. All these groups are a part of Al-Quida. Al-Quida means "The Base".

The ones who formed Al-Quida should have called it something else. They should have called it, "The Gate".

That is what Al-Quida is. It is a gate. A gate that leads one into the fields of terror and sabotage. Not to mention radicalism and hatred. Al-Quida houses men who hate their brethren for reasons ranging from religion to politics and even jealousy. Bin Laden exibits all of these traits. In fact most men of Al-Quida have these traits. They are breeded by these matters and by these matters they are willing to rape, rob and kill. They want the world to tremble, and tremble it does.

The problem with Al-Quida is that it is so diverse and rash that peace to them is not even possible. The only way that could ever happen is if all the men of Al-Quida got everything they want. Al-Quida uses men and there problems to create more problems. Those problems are like a snowball falling down a mountain. The more that comes at them the more they breed. It is a never ending cycle. The only way it will end is if the world gets out the way. Until then Al-Quida will strike. The more and more it goes on, the more lethal they will get. It is as simple as that.

People like The Sword Master wonder why Al-Quida isn't able to do what they did in New York all the time. Well that is simple. They don't do that because they need to stay on top. If they settle with the junk that other terror groups breed then the committee will fall. The whole point of the committee was to create a force of organized terror never known to this world and to create the worst of all fears. That fear is there ultimate weapon. That fear is also the ultimate weapon of Satan.

That fear is the ultimate asset of the security forces and the defense industry. Does that mean that Al-Quida is an asset to the defense and security regimes???

Well, yeah of course.

Does that mean that they supporting Al-Quida???

Well no, not exactly.

However that is ONE reason that this 'War on Terror' is a half hearted effort and a farce.

(Just one man's opinion, nothing to take seriously.)


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:28 AM
Thats pretty good AV. My hats off.


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:34 AM
and when you say people like me you mean?

all i was asking is that is al queda over rated?

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:42 AM
Chill out. I didn't mean that to be offensive. All I said was you were wondering something. Something I tried to explain. Didn't you read the rest of my post??? Or did you stop there???

Sorry if you took that the wrong way. I was merely trying to use an example. You are just ONE of of MANY who have a distorted view of Al-Quida's activity and purpose. That is all. Hey, you asked didn't you???

So I told. Sorry for being so blunt. I will try and be more comforting next time.

Please don't hate me. I have enough enemies here. I answered this topic because I liked the topic idea. I thought that unlike many others, you have a good angle on this issue. That is all. I gave mine cause you asked. Don't hate me for it.


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:44 AM
err. calm down.

i did read the post but it seems i didnt read it carefully enough

/me goes to hide in a dark corner

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by TheSwordMaster]

and after reading it a few more times, i can say its a very good answer

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by TheSwordMaster]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 05:10 AM

This bottom one is deffinately worth a read.

There is loads of info and articles on al-qaeda on the web, just make sure you spell it right.

By the way, we should all be more scared of mossad than al-qaeda, al-qaeda is a weak network low on resources, they can be stopped by our security services, mossad clearly have agents in al-qaeda, with the echelon spying system active, al-qaeda is useless in terms of large scale attacks.
If al-qaeda were responsible for 9/11, our security services would have found out about the plan before (which they did) and could have prevented it (which they didn't)
I believe Mossad has infiltrated al-qaeda and used it's infiltrated cell to carry out the attacks, not letting on to the Islamic militants what the big picture was. Atta has had his identity stolen by a Mossad agent, along with several others blamed for the attacks (some found alive and well).
We must ask ourselves who has benefited from the attacks? who has the expertise to carry out such an attack? who would dare to carry out such an attack?

By the way, i know some of you might see these articles as slightly racist or prejudiced, so i want to make it clear those are not my personal views. I don't like Mossad and Sharon, but i don't like MI5/6 and Blair either.

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by Peace]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 05:13 AM
uuh, nice. thanks alot.

btw did anyone see that document about al queda?
where the french journalist infiltrated the group, they showed this kind of recruiting campaign where they preached to some younger people about the Jihad. after the "class" was over, all of those guys were ready to do a kamikaze on anything us related.

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