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Cenk from the young turks; why he should be defended

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posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 06:07 PM
The couple I see look straight out of every page of Maxim Magazine. If Cenk "needs" to be ousted and have his career ended over this "outrage" well hell SJW's will be at Maxim's doors with barrels of napalm and mustard gas any minute now....

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Grambler

It wasn't a right wing site that originally dug this up but both Right and Left wing sites have taken hold of it. The source who broke the story is The Wrap who I don't think is a right wing outlet. The woman who founded it is a journalist who also contributes to WaPo and NYT. Why they decided to look into decades old blog posts from Cenk, I dunno. Perhaps they were tipped off by someone, right or left, could be anyone.

But as it is with the internet and breaking news, the snowball effect took hold and of course Right wing sites lapped this up along with Left wing sites.
edit on 24-12-2017 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Grambler
Naw man, it should not stop. The Jack of all asses started this crap, now they get to reap what they sow from opening pandoras box. It will end when one side is piled up as bloody corpses and then set on fire while the victors dance. its too late to stop it.

Maybe in another generation, the lessons will be learned. But for now, it will continue until the blood flows so much it can flow no more.

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 06:22 PM
Cenk Ugyur grew up in a different time than it is nowadays . In my opinion what he said (non-PC but there was little PC back then) was a reflection on the changes of the day. I grew up dating in the 70s and I can kinda sorta see where he was coming from. The man was still a young feller back then and it was long ago and far away.

Disclaimer - I am no way a Cenk Ugyur fan which would be evident by a view of posting history . Neither am I liberal . I do not agree with the way it was stated , but I think I get the basic point. And I do believe he really regrets this .

Strange , I am semi-defending a progressive liberal much less Cenk Ugyur . Quick , call the National Weather Service and ask them if Hell has frozen over.

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: Grambler
Naw man, it should not stop. The Jack of all asses started this crap, now they get to reap what they sow from opening pandoras box. It will end when one side is piled up as bloody corpses and then set on fire while the victors dance. its too late to stop it.

Maybe in another generation, the lessons will be learned. But for now, it will continue until the blood flows so much it can flow no more.

Well I will not partipate, and will call it out no matter which side is doing it.

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 08:07 PM
Feminisation of Rational Thought Process .

Cenk wanted to get laid and had some unsavory thoughts about genes ; women's genes to be exact .

Conspiracy-wise ; Jesus is being killed by Mary , symbolicly , ritually.

Fish doesn't know what it is to be wet .

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 08:18 PM
Agreed brother, Turkish government is doing Armenians dirty still to this day by not accepting the genocide as being a true event! Dirty Turk Government!a reply to: Shamrock6

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
Recently the founder of the young turks cenk uygur has found himself in some hot water.

As far as I can tell, the gateway pundit, a right wing site, was the first to break this story.

They found some questionable things he has said over a decade ago that were vulgar towards women.

I won't post them here, but here is an article that has some of them.

As a result of these comments, at least one liberal group has dropped cenk and others have called him out.

Cenk has apologized for his comments.

The stuff I wrote back then was really insensitive and ignorant," Uygur said. "If you read that today, what I wrote 18 years ago, and you're offended by it, you're 100 percent right. And anyone who is subjected to that material, I apologize to. And I deeply regret having written that stuff when I was a different guy."

The apology continues but you get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I really dislike cenk and the young turks.

I also see the irony that they are exactly the kind of program to dig up old comments and attack people over.

But having said that, I think this attack on cenk is ridiculous.

Is this how the right intends to fight back? By digging up jokes or braggadocius comments from over a decade ago to smear opponents?

It's ridiculous.

Cenk apologized, and that's good enough for me.

Now granted, he went on to blame the fact he was conservative at the time as the reason for those comments which is a joke.

But I think it's time for people on both sides of the aisle to stop digging for off colored comments from decades ago to smear opponents instead of just debating their ideas.

Chicken's coming home to roost. I read what he wrote and didn't find anything all that controversial. Again, male locker room talk. However, the libs really painted themselves in a corner trying to pin this kind of talk on Trump as being sexist to appeal to the far left feminazis knowing dang well liberal men talk like that too.

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 08:36 PM
If you dance with the devil you are bound to pay the price.

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Guys with egos like his......I'm just saying don't be surprised if there are some worse sexual things with women that come to light.

If it was just words...meh.

I'll sit on the sidelines and watch the Left consume itself

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Grambler

Cenk should step down immediately!!! I mean if what someone said 10 years ago doesn't matter, then how can slavery keep being brought up if no one alive now owned a slave???

Yeah the difference is, who brought it up pretend it wasn't a thing or lamented it's lost.

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: Grambler

You know what? I said some pretty vulgar things when I was in college myself. Okay... so it was seriously a long time ago, and my views have changed since then.

Also, I have no idea who this guy is.
edit on 24pmSun, 24 Dec 2017 21:55:38 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2017 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
If you dance with the devil you are bound to pay the price.

Is that a Cuphead quote?

posted on Dec, 25 2017 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Now let me be clear, I really dislike cenk and the young turks.

Same here

Cenk apologized, and that's good enough for me.

Also same here. Same goes for Al Franken, unless there was more we didn't know about

Is this how the right intends to fight back? By digging up jokes or braggadocius comments from over a decade ago to smear opponents?

I certainly hope not. Look at the backlash the Dems had in 2016. If we start using this tactic, we will get pasted in the next election cycle

posted on Dec, 25 2017 @ 10:40 AM
Let's see if I got this right. He got bagged the same way he does to others? That's karma. I wouldn't defend that.

posted on Dec, 25 2017 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: intrepid

I know I know.. and you're right intrepid. I just hate seeing people ruined by these things when nothing resembling due process has taken place.

There are legitimate cases, with actual victims who are seeking justice.

Then there are old cases (sometimes just comments a person made) that are dug up, that have no victim (in the case of comments) and a person has genuinely apologized. I think that is a fitting "punishment" for some dumb comments a person made 18 years prior. A lot changes over the course of nearly 2 decades

posted on Dec, 25 2017 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
Recently the founder of the young turks cenk uygur has found himself in some hot water.

As far as I can tell, the gateway pundit, a right wing site, was the first to break this story.

They found some questionable things he has said over a decade ago that were vulgar towards women.

I won't post them here, but here is an article that has some of them.

As a result of these comments, at least one liberal group has dropped cenk and others have called him out.

Cenk has apologized for his comments.

The stuff I wrote back then was really insensitive and ignorant," Uygur said. "If you read that today, what I wrote 18 years ago, and you're offended by it, you're 100 percent right. And anyone who is subjected to that material, I apologize to. And I deeply regret having written that stuff when I was a different guy."

The apology continues but you get the idea.

Now let me be clear, I really dislike cenk and the young turks.

I also see the irony that they are exactly the kind of program to dig up old comments and attack people over.

But having said that, I think this attack on cenk is ridiculous.

Is this how the right intends to fight back? By digging up jokes or braggadocius comments from over a decade ago to smear opponents?

It's ridiculous.

Cenk apologized, and that's good enough for me.

Now granted, he went on to blame the fact he was conservative at the time as the reason for those comments which is a joke.

But I think it's time for people on both sides of the aisle to stop digging for off colored comments from decades ago to smear opponents instead of just debating their ideas.

Yep... agreed... although he SHOULD be called out on his Kevin Spaceyesque blaming it on being "conservative".

What he said can't really be defended in polite company, but people do change and they, hopefully, mature over time.

Cenk is a funny guy... sometimes he's moderate and calls out logical fallacy BS and sometimes he's a flaming partisan hack. His woman sidekick is almost intolerable though... wetf her name is.

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