Originally posted by Heartagram
Shift of plans?Why shift plans?
It was explained to you. I will give you one more explaination
because you are not American and you don't understand the
reference I made to Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. One
more try and then if you still don't get it, it's your problem.
PRIMARY reasons shift. That's just the way it is. That's the way
it has always been. It's the proper way to run things. Adjustments
need to be made continually because if you are too ridgid in your
way of doing things, then instead of getting things done, things
will break. When the 45 nation Coalition of the Willing went into
Iraq the primary reason was because Iraq failed to fulfill it's
responsibilities under United Nations Resolution 1441. Also, it
was widely believed that Saddam had WMD primarily because
he had used WMD on the Kurds and because Saddam himself
was threatening to use WMD.
Once things got going for those reasons, a BIGGER reason became
clear. Mass murder, mass rape, and mass torture. It no longer
mattered if Saddam had WMD ready to use or not. Iraqis were
being mass murdered in the hundreds of thousands. They were
being mass raped (Rape was a government policy) and the families
of the rape victims were forced to watch. For the world to continue
to sit by and just watch and refuse to help .... well, that would have
been evil. Plain evil. Germany and France thought their illegal
Oil for Food billions were more important than helping the Iraqis
to get rid of Saddam and his regime. However, the 45 nations in
the Coalition of the Willing understood the horrors and were
determined to stop them.
I used the American Civil War as an example. Here's another one.
Hitler and WWII. The reason America went to war against Hitler
was to stop him from taking over the world. When America and
the other nations went into Germany we uncovered the Nazi camps
which had killed over 6 million people. The primary reason for
entering WWII was to stop Hitler. Another reason which came up
was to stop the mass murders. We didn't realize how bad it was
until we went in. Once we were in ... the world understood and it
all said 'NEVER AGAIN' to those kinds of evils. Well, those kinds
of evils were happening under Saddam. It had to be stopped.
I have explained things the best I can. If you still don't understand,
or you don't WISH to understand and all you want to do is to hate
George Bush, then there is nothing more I can say. I have explained
things to you. The IRAQI PEOPLE are happy Saddam is gone and
frankly, THEY and their opinion are much more important when it
comes to deciding if America did the right thing or not by going into
Iraq. The IRaqi people are happy Saddam is gone, and they are
just as frustrated and miserable about the idiotic insurgents who
are trying to destroy their new freedoms, as we are unhappy with
the insurgents.
Iraqis are happy.. they are free ... Saddam is gone ... they are
getting their country back after 30 or 40 years of misery. Be happy
for them and don't let your anti-American bigotry cloud your sight.