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Sorry to burst your bubble...

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posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 10:23 PM
But there is NO way possible we could defeat ANY other planet in the entire universe in anything, let alone warfare (well maybe in looks)

Think about it.
-we can't travel through space - they can
hence they have superior technological advances compared to us. we are the youngest/least technological, most ignorant, weakest, yet most beautiful planet there is. Sorry to say I would join the "greys" if we were at war with them.

oops, this was supposed to be a reply not a new topic
supposed to be under "i've found a way to wage war against the greys!!!"

[edit on 2/13/2005 by Its_True_I_Promise]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:07 AM
How is your theory that we are "youngest/least technological, most ignorant, weakest, yet most beautiful planet there is" supported???

If there are more technologically advanced species, there is a VERY high probability (wild guess: 99.9%) that there are also less technologically advanced species.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by merka
How is your theory that we are "youngest/least technological, most ignorant, weakest, yet most beautiful planet there is" supported???

If there are more technologically advanced species, there is a VERY high probability (wild guess: 99.9%) that there are also less technologically advanced species.

my "theory" as you call it is just an educated guess supported by other peoples "experiences" and findings about the superior beings.

there HAS to be more technologically etc.... advanced species b/c they can space travel - hence it is undeniable that stands as "more advanced blah blah blah"

just a guesstimation though ya get me?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:19 AM
i cant really say i agree with much that youve said there dude,ok basing your 'facts' on educated guessing and other peoples experiences is null and void being as we have no hardcore proof that aliens exsist,only ideas and theorys and un proven sightings and contacts with e.t's.......dony get me wrong i believe but theres nothing to say that they are superiorlly advanced in relation to us.......imagine that they travel huge distances from planets,or other worlds/dimensions that we are yet to discover....what if they were given that technology by another race of e.t's...thus having an advanced form of travel where by to visit are galaxy but didnt actually make some huge technical discovery themselves?......also it doesnt nessesarilly mean that they would have weapons that would kill us humans,they might have previously been fighting aliens on other planets
that can be killed by throwing jelly and ice cream at them?

also how do you know were the most ignorant,least advanced planet,most beautiful planet......which others have you visited?

you would join the grays rather than try and ensure the survival of your common man and race?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Its_True_I_Promise

Originally posted by merka
How is your theory that we are "youngest/least technological, most ignorant, weakest, yet most beautiful planet there is" supported???

If there are more technologically advanced species, there is a VERY high probability (wild guess: 99.9%) that there are also less technologically advanced species.

my "theory" as you call it is just an educated guess supported by other peoples "experiences" and findings about the superior beings.

there HAS to be more technologically etc.... advanced species b/c they can space travel - hence it is undeniable that stands as "more advanced blah blah blah"

just a guesstimation though ya get me?

Its a pretty precise guesstimation if you conclude that we are the youngest/least technological, most ignorant, weakest, yet most beautiful planet there is.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 08:51 AM
Well...the good news is that it doesn't seem like invasion is on their agenda...

If so, they've been visiting us a while now, and it certainly would have been easier in the pre-nuke stage....
Doesn't mean I think they've got our best interests at heart...indeed, the evidence shows differently...but invasion doesn't seem to be the plan....

Technology is important, but it isn't everything. Look what some rag-tag insurgents armed with WW2 era weapons can do to harass the world's most advanced military in Iraq... Sure, eventually the outcome is pretty sealed, but there are other factors in the us vs. the aliens "fight".

Perhaps we've now got other weapons that can at least force a stalemate? After all, most believe we've known about them since the late 40's, so it stands to reason we've been working on SOMETHING as a counter to the threat...

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 09:36 AM
We dont have to be the most advanced ect

Hit them (or anyone else) with desiese or a gene bomb (if they are organic) and then watch them drop

Same with everything else

Everything living/organic has a genetic code, make that code unstable/wreck it and it goes from there

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by optimus fett
i cant really say i agree with much that youve said there dude,ok basing your 'facts' on educated guessing and other peoples experiences is null and void being as we have no hardcore proof that aliens exsist,only ideas and theorys and un proven sightings and contacts with e.t's.......dony get me wrong i believe but theres nothing to say that they are superiorlly advanced in relation to us.......imagine that they travel huge distances from planets,or other worlds/dimensions that we are yet to discover....what if they were given that technology by another race of e.t's...thus having an advanced form of travel where by to visit are galaxy but didnt actually make some huge technical discovery themselves?......also it doesnt nessesarilly mean that they would have weapons that would kill us humans,they might have previously been fighting aliens on other planets
that can be killed by throwing jelly and ice cream at them?

also how do you know were the most ignorant,least advanced planet,most beautiful planet......which others have you visited?

you would join the grays rather than try and ensure the survival of your common man and race?

Jelly and Ice cream? LOL that was hilarious but point well taken by me

Also I DO NOT know that our planet is the most beautiful, I can only take what I have read from others that have "communicated" with other ET's and consensus says we are a "unique" and "beautiful" planet with our lush vegetation, lakes, rivers, etc... (i prefer the beauty of our snow)

Thank you all for your comments so far. I enjoy reading them and looking at it from EVERY angle and perspective from other people.

oh yeah - a little off the subject, but is there anyone else who thinks john kerry is an alien?

[edit on 2/14/2005 by Its_True_I_Promise]

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:28 AM
for the record i'm not an expert on et's nor have i ever spoken to one, nor have they ever anal probed me, lol.....but my opinion is this....if they've been cruising around checking in on us since the 40's......i'd have to say that they have way better technology then we do......because as far as i know....we can't go cruising around in there neighbor hoods and abduct them and probe them in the rectum!!!! just a valentines day!

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:34 AM
"Educated" guess? LOL! Sorry. Just imagining that little Warner Brothers' alien Marvin teaching cultural diversity and sensitivity at the Univ. of Alabama.

You stated two things, ITIP, you stated that were are the weakest in the universe, and that we can't beat anybody at anything. That causes me to laugh once more, as anyone educated at anything knows better to speak in such definite terms; especially about something none of us know a thing about.

Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition. Sue me; I'm from Alabama!

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
"Educated" guess? LOL! Sorry. Just imagining that little Warner Brothers' alien Marvin teaching cultural diversity and sensitivity at the Univ. of Alabama.

You stated two things, ITIP, you stated that were are the weakest in the universe, and that we can't beat anybody at anything. That causes me to laugh once more, as anyone educated at anything knows better to speak in such definite terms; especially about something none of us know a thing about.

Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition. Sue me; I'm from Alabama!

I was waiting for someone to make me feel like Poo....but well deserving, i do not know if another race was born last night or just right now as we speak - - maybe i should have said w/ atleast 10,000 yrs of technological civilization....blah blah....blah.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Jelly and Ice cream? LOL that was hilarious but point well taken by me

OK you alien scum youve asked for it!.......Its_true_i _promise...load the trifle cannon.....and plenty of hundreads and thousands......were gonna show those little grey suckers whos boss!!

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 11:44 AM
Alrighty...the theory presented here seem to be based on "estimations", "guesses", and plain old personal beliefs. Nothing wrong with that. 99% of what we think we know about aliens is basedon the same things. With that said, I'll go along the same lines and offer my versions.

The main argument here is we are not technologically capable of efficiently battling our visiting alien friends. It's not a crazy idea. I mean, if it's true that they travel lightyears away to get here, they must have Tech that is far beyond what we have. But, there are also theories that we ahve seized downed alien aircrafts as well. Now, if this is the case, then perhaps we have been able to reverse engineer alot of thier own tech. This is not an uncommon theory. It's beleived that much of the tech we have today is a result of doing such things. And that's just the tech that we see and use in our everyday lives. Now, it's my opinion that if we have recovered alien tech, and have reversed engineered it, then we have developed defense weapons far beyond anything we in the general public could ever imagine.

Remember, just because you can't find a ufo busting laser gun in Radio Shack, doesn't mean one doesn't exist

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Doesn't mean I think they've got our best interests at heart...indeed, the evidence shows differently...but invasion doesn't seem to be the plan....

What evidence is available showing their intention? Abductions show little intent despite the consequences that the abduction has on the 'victim', other than that they want to study us on some level. From all outward appearances, they intend to let us make it on our own. I think it's a matter of opinion; there is no way of knowing if information pertaining to this is truly accurate.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:36 PM

I think it's a matter of opinion; there is no way of knowing if information pertaining to this is truly accurate.

Time will tell which opinions are true and which aren't. I can't wait ARGGG

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:42 PM

What evidence is available showing their intention?

1. They are maintaining the secret of their existence. (at least by not openly contacting the people of Earth officially)

2. They are invading our airspace and most early sightings were near defense installations, most notably those connected with nukes (which were scarce in the day).

3. In some cases, they successfully deactivated weapons systems of these installations.

4. They flee rather than respond to any hails of any sort.

5. They abduct citizens at random, without their permission, and perform unauthorized experiments on them, and then manipulate their memories. Sorry, but this is not a "beneficial" intention in my book. Perhaps you see this as innoculous, but there is ample evidence that they are dealing with a sentient species. Upon descending through the clouds, I'm sure the aliens are smart enough to know that crops don't grow naturally in squares...

6. There have been cases of pilots and ships lost pursuing UFOs.

It may not be a LOT to go on, but I'd say it definitely doesn't look like they are all warm and fuzzy...

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 05:00 PM
We can beat the aliens.

We just have to do it before Danny Glover gets too old!

When he gets to an age that he can't run, we'd better look out!

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