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Did we live in the water?

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posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 11:01 PM
The human body has a diving reflex, much akin to many marine mamals. Our bodies are streamlined with almost no hair, compaired to other primates. Babies can swim, not long after being birthed. One other species of primate walks on two legs to get across water. Humans can actually adapt to being in aquatic enviroments. Some families who have lived on the water for some time can actually see under water better than people who do not live near the water.

So my question is, Do you believe, given the evidence that I have given you, that we lived in the water some time in our evolution?

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 11:08 PM
I have no problem with having been a water ape in some distant past life.

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 11:21 PM
Aquatic Ape Theory (AAT)


posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:33 AM
Thanks guys. I like to see people with open minds.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:37 AM
it is possible that we could evolve into beings that can adapt with water - afterall we were supposed to have originally evolved from organisms that lived in water environments at the dawn of time, plus we are practially composed of water itself in our bodies.

water is highly important for the human condition.

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 11:48 AM
many humans still have quite a bit of "webbing" between fingers and toes, and those who swim often, often develop more skin webbing.... All of the indicators are there, and it seems that at some point, we were more at home in the water...


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