a reply to:
Let me see if I can go through this and answer some if not all of your questions. Considering I know your heart is in the right place I don't mind
doing so for you at all.
So is the original pedophile rich?
He is now. Up to my Mother and Step-Father's death I refused to allow my daughter around any of the family, and I refused to recant my 'story' of the
past. Just to let you know? My 'parents' (and I use the term very loosely) were lower-upper-class who had matching white Cadillacs, the best seats
at all the local restaurants, were heavy in local government, taught classes on land owning and were extremely 'well off'. All that being said? When
they past on they left the whole shebang to the 'abuser' - My. Pauley Pure who's shat never stank in their view. And there is NO DOUBT they KNEW just
what he was doing. Fact of the matter? When I started my menses they kicked me to the curb so there’d be no little incest babies.
Does he have anything to offer in a lawsuit? Are you willing to bring all the detail out before a jury of your peers and take the chance that
you could lose the suit and end up being marginalized and re-victimized all over again?
I have no problem at all bringing up each and every filthy rotten detail. See, it doesn’t ’own’ me anymore. So, really - it’s all on him and
I can lay that blanket on thick - it’s not like there isn’t years of deviance to choose from.
Do you have the strength for the long drawn out timeframe it will take to even get your day in court? Willing to be verified by not just the
judge in your case but many many others leading up to your day in court?
I would like to think I am.
Realistically taking the first steps would seem daunting if you have not purged your mental states from the ptsd it has caused your entire life
to be overshadowed by. Has this been discussed in therapy over the years? Have you received a diagnosis of the past trauma?
Yes I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD and my doctor tried repeatedly to get me to take meds for it - but I’ve never fallen into that trap thank
What are the true and honest reasons for taking action against your violators? What motivates you to come out publicly now rather than in
years gone past? What would your ideal outcome be in a court case and how do you see your life rising up to a higher state from the chance of winning?
There are so many people ‘coming out’. Before now? I never felt like it was anything I could talk about - it’s never been ‘talked about’.
Also - I read something the other day that really rocked me. If I could find the quote I’d give it to you but I lost it, sadly - anyway, it
basically says society, to date, has been revictimizing by telling those who’ve been abused to ‘get over it’. Like it’s OUR fault. But no,
this day in age the abused should be embraced, taken care of, and in any situation possible a high financial cost should be paid by the abuser if not
jail time, etc.
It was worded much better than that but you get the idea.
I didn’t include the rest of your questions at this point as Mother is dead, no other abuse victims (’I never wanted anyone but you’ - he said).
Silo we have been friends for many years, and you know that without our members standing by me in the darkest times, the most difficult times I
may not have survived. ATS is the perfect place to come to with questions like you posted in the OP. My respect for finally having the courage to open
the dialog for yourself and many others who also have to weigh the possibilities of coming out or letting go.
Yeah, going on 20 years in just a few. That’s just amazing. Where did the time go? And I agree, ATS should be a place where anyone can come to
the table with their issues but I do think it’s not for everyone. Me? Like I said, this events don’t ‘own’ me anymore. There’s nothing
anyone can do or say that would get a ‘reaction’ out of me any longer. But it’s taken a long time.
No one can say anything that will change what was, and for that I am so sorry, yet we can be here now to help yourself champion that inner
child who you have bravely taken by the hand and offered as your adult self to help. No, adults were there for her, but you are her protector now, and
you will figure this out for her and discover how to love yourself through making the choices that will be right for you.
I am always just a u2u away.
That’s exactly what someone else in the ‘know’ said. Probably the reason, base line reason that I’m doing this. Now that you and I have
‘talked’? Yeah, I’m doing this. Decision made.
I’ll write it up - sit on it a few days - then send it to the Prosecuting Attorney here where it happened and in his home town. After having it
witnessed, etc.
See, I remember this little girl who, when the voices started at the end of the hall? ‘Come here... Come here... Come here or I’ll come and get
you’ - That little girl would put all her stuffed animals under the bed, cover them up with a blanket and tell them they would be safe if they
didn’t say anything.
That’s the little girl I’m doing this for.
Shat. I hadn’t remembered that until now. *Tearing up*... I guess I’m not as ‘over it’ as I thought.,