posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to:
The Sun, the Moon and all the other planets are spherical.
We can understand how they formed and the way gravitation draws mass in towards a central point, leading to a sphere.
We can verify that such forces work in the way they do by verifying orbital mechanics.
Looking back at the Earth from the Moon shows that it is spherical, too:
(Note, picture source is not NASA but a Japanese Lunar Orbiter).
There is no reason to assume that the Earth was not formed by exactly the same forces as other astronomical objects.
We have satellites in orbit around the Earth.
We can observe the curvature of the Earth especially over large bodies of water (which otherwise would be expected to be flat). We can see ocean going
craft disappear gradually over the horizon.
We can observe the light of the sky as the Sun rises and sets and that indicates it coming in at an angle through greater amounts of atmosphere.
We can see different shadow lengths and directions as the Sun moves around the sky. The lengths and angles of the shadows are exactly compliant with
the Sun having an elliptical path around the Earth. You can set your watch by it.
People in different parts of the Earth see upwards to different areas of the sky/ and different constellations, which also move around us at exactly
the right speeds and distances compliant with a spinning Earth.
There is no way to explain how a flat Earth could possibly exist.
Face it, it's spherical.
edit on 17/12/2017 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)