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Often I am back at my childhood home and it is as it was and I touch things and tap on things to feel them and hear them to confirm I am there.
A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment.
Our dreams reveal the inner world of our subconscious mind and can often hold clues or even prophecies that can influence our lives or day to day.
Through dreams, our intuition and spirit guides are more likely to speak to us because our ego or rational mind is often switched off and unable to effect the transmission of the message.
To unlock your dreams you really need to pay attention to any symbols or metaphors that come up and try to relate them to your day to day or past experiences.
If the meaning behind the symbol doesn’t come clear straight away, don’t worry. The more you stay open and aware to the symbols the more they will start to make sense to you. Writing them down will also help you bring more clarity to what they may mean.
"You need to learn to be on your own because now I want to travel."