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Mexico Thanksgiving to Guadalupe for the only Megaquake ever in National day of drills!

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posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 11:42 PM
The peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

This December 12th 2017 Mexico had a new record of pilgrims arriving to the Guadalupe Village sanctuary in another anniversary of the Marian Apparitions of the XVI century.

Pls check

The History of the Guadalupe Miracles

Why Mexicans went massively to give thanks to the Lady of Guadalupe in a year with natural disasters?

Well, the reason is simple, what other country around the world can tell the story of a Megaquake that occurred the only day everybody was expecting to deal with it?

Every September 19th Mexico is prepared to drill for earthquake and everybody knows what to do and how to react just in case disaster arrives, and what a strange synchronicity that precisely day the megaquake arrives as soon as the drill ended.

What people's of Japan in 1921 or of Haiti in 2015 or Sumatra 2014 would have given to have had similar special protection?

The megaquake certainly caused disasters, 500 hundred casualties and about 50 buildings collapsed, but compare those numbers with the 100000 victims that died in Tokyo almost a century ago.

There were about about 25 millions of inhabitants in the area of the disaster of September 19th, that is the complete Universe of possible casualties that such a natural disaster could have caused.

Mexico face disaster the only day it was prepared for it!

Let us open this thread to meditate in the strange protection power that comes in aid of the ones that have the strength of faith and belief.

Thanks for your attention

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 12/13/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: The angel of light
Let us open this thread to meditate in the strange protection power that comes in aid of the ones that have the strength of faith and belief.

Thanks for your attention

The Angel of Lightness

Yes, lets pretend he loves us, he may notice us when we come in the door today, if we beg. He may throw a scrap towards us, with his eyes and not his boots. If we show him we love him enough he just has to love us, doesn't he?

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 12:04 AM
HE hath a spoken to me

"Can you take this god-spam to the religion forum only?"


posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 12:09 AM
Yea, That quake really moved that area.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 04:15 AM
Ok, So, god likes Mexicans and doesn't like Japanese people or Sumatrans.. got it.. message received and understood

Oh, by the way, if they were performing a day of drills I guess that means they have various teams, plans, tech etc. In place to deal with an earthquake so the idea that this happened on "the only day they were prepared for it" is total nonsense. They are clearly prepared for it as they already had the teams etc involved in this exercise and, they continue to prepare for it by performing these drills every year...


This from the associated wiki page: "Twelve days earlier, the even larger 2017 Chiapas earthquake struck 650 km (400 mi) away, off the coast of the state of Chiapas."

It killed about 100 people and caused a tonne of damage... guess "the boss" was absent from work that week.. or maybe all 100 were Japanese and Sumatran tourists?

edit on 13-12-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Indrasweb

Where Nature strikes periodically with devastating consequences it is wise to mantain a very good relationship with above, it is not so much the case of who God loves, but more of who cares of God in our times?

God loves all his creatures of course, but are all of them really willing to give thanks to him under any circumstance?

How many people live their entire lives thinking that all what they have must be taken for granted?

How many eat daily giving thanks before? How many go to bed making peace with God? How many begin their day with a prayer in their lips?

How many live very sinful lifes and still expect to deal only with the pleasures or things they are focused in without never realize there is a power that support cosmos?

How many of us think all what matters is to get money, sex, drink, drugs, or controling other lives?

We can fool ourselves turning our backs to the creator but in the hour of danger nothing else can protect us.

Mexicans under any circumstance always show gratitude toward the powers that support this world, they know it is wise to do so.

There are many reliable sources from a century ago that refer to the scandalous life of prostitution, drugs and vices that existed in Tokyo a century ago before tragedy arrived, check the literature of that time if you don't trust me.

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 12/13/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

Wow... so... basically.. everyone who wasn't protected by God probably deserved it and all Mexicans are super god-loving wonderful people who deserve the protections they got (earned?) By virtue of being perfectly godly?

I don't know what planet you're living on/dimension you're living in but, in the world I live in, a good deal of Mexico is pretty hideously corrupt, violent, degenerate and rife with serious crimes like brutal torture, murder, kidnapping etc.

And, by comparison, Japan is pretty lawful (although has it's own issues, of course).

I'm sorry to say that your justification of the suffering of those "not godly enough", in your opinion, is only a hop and a skip from justifying the beheading of infidels and the killing of homosexuals and is directly comparable to the likes of hyper Christian American politicians saying things like the hurricanes etc are gods punishment for accepting homosexuality...
edit on 13-12-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Indrasweb

Wow, thats is a pretty hypocritical statement, Do you have any idea where the arms, weapons, financial resources and anti ethical values that you refer have brought to much violence and pain to Mexicans are coming from?

The Mexican writer of the XVII century , Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, a contemplative Nun, once wrote a a so simply truth that remains in her time as well as today so valid to describe levels of corruption and hypocresy:

Who is more evil in life? Who sin for the profit ? Or who pays for the opportunity of to sin?

Yes, it is true that Pancho Villa traded Marihuana in the 1910s into the United States for resources for his Revolution, but were USA army officers who bought it and paid him not with money but with arms knowing it were going to be used to kill a lot of people in the other side.

It is also true that by that same time Al Capone had a very large web of traffic of heroina in Chicago and other cities of America, not brought from Mexico but from Asia, Japan and China, and was never arrested or charged for that, he only went to jail for to have defrauded the IRS!

Do you know why the Mexican Revolution that took two millions of casualties was triggered a century ago, launched by Francisco Madero in San Antonio, Texas?

There is No precedent in History that Mexico ever had boosted any civil war in America as the horrendous bloody one they suffered financed from Walstreet a century ago by the way.

The Revolution was neither the first nor the only civil Mexican war financed by USA, the Reforma war in 1857 launched to support the Dictatorship of the usurper Benito Juarez , who carried out the worst antireligious prosecutions ever in the Western hemisphere was supported by the American Freemasons.

Close to a million civilians died in that war, included more than a hundred thousand of nuns, monks, and priests.

Please read more about the subjects you are pretending to Lecture us.

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 12/13/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: The angel of light


Ok, firstly, I was not trying to lecture anyone about anything and, secondly, I fail to see what is hypocritical about what I posted.

Perhaps I misunderstood the point of your OP and the follow up posts you made.

However, it seems to me that you were suggesting that:

1) the coincidence that there was an earthquake on the same day as a drill to manage an earthquake was somehow divine intervention.

the strange protection power that comes in aid of the ones that have the strength of faith and belief. 

2) the reason that God chose to intervene in this earthquake was because (all) the Mexican people are good and holy people with faith

the strange protection power that comes in aid of the ones that have the strength of faith and belief. 

Mexicans under any circumstance always show gratitude toward the powers that support this world, they know it is wise to do so. 

3) that those who have suffered elsewhere in the world and have not had the 'strange protection power' basically deserved it because they don't have faith:

What people's of Japan in 1921 or of Haiti in 2015 or Sumatra 2014 would have given to have had similar special protection? 

The megaquake certainly caused disasters, 500 hundred casualties and about 50 buildings collapsed, but compare those numbers with the 100000 victims that died in Tokyo almost a century ago. 

There are many reliable sources from a century ago that refer to the scandalous life of prostitution, drugs and vices that existed in Tokyo a century ago before tragedy arrived,

it is not so much the case of who God loves, but more of who cares of God in our times? 

God loves all his creatures of course, but are all of them really willing to give thanks to him under any circumstance? 

My response was simply to point out that, in relation to

1): there is nothing to suggest divine intervention, particularly as the same part of the world suffered a much more powerful earthquake just days before and there were no drills taking place. Destruction ensued and people died. Kind of blows the whole "he looks after those god loving Mexicans cos they're so thankful to him" argument out of the water.

In relation to

2): that all Mexicans have faith in god and "always show gratitude" to god is patently bull#.
Mexico has massive issues with corruption, murder, drug cartels, kidnapping, brutal torture and executions etc. Definitely NOT good Christian behaviour. Clearly there are plenty of amoral, nasty and downright evil people in Mexico (as there are in many other places around the world) and therefore the notion that Mexicans are all groovy with the big guy and warrant his protection is laughable.

In relation to

3): suggesting that basically the countries who have suffered horrific tragedy, destruction and loss of life due to natural disasters didn't have the "strange protection power" because they lack faith in your god is, quite frankly, disgusting.
It's the kind of psychopathic, total lack of empathy, respect for human life and bafflingly ANTI-religious/anti-spiritiual nonsense spouted by the likes of Islamic extremists and loony hardcore Christians who use it as a justification to hate and dehumanize people who disagree with them.

As to the rest of your posts about Al Capone and whatnot I fail to see how that is remotely relevant to any of the points I raised above.

If I really squint then it looks a little bit like you were trying to say that some people outside of Mexico did some bad stuff within/to Mexico in the past and so that basically explains or excuses the fact that there's loads of people, right now, today, doing horrible # to their fellow Mexicans.

Still not sure how that's relevant but.... perhaps I misunderstood the whole thread from start to finish.

edit on 13-12-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Indrasweb

Yes you misunderstood the nature of this thread dramatically, it was not intended as an invitation to bring xenophobic racist rhetoric cynically as you have done here, because that is what it appears is your point, claiming that the corruption belongs according with certain well known discriminatory labels, targeting only to Mexico.

For your information, just giving yiu tge benefit of tge doubt, The automatic weapons that are killing thousands of good will Mexicans daily are manufactured here in America, the lack of effective control of arms trade here is Not only messing the States but neighbor countries as well.

Notuce that there are No Mexican arms involved in the internal criminal violence here, because Mexico has No weapon industry at all.

That very strange selective Xenophobia is what it is pretty disgusting here, and i feel is what blinds you to see a remarkable synchronicity that may occur by chance once over 365 days that the year has, that is about 0.0033.

Over all possible dates this MegaQuake nay occur it actually came the day they were in drill for it.

America on these days sadly is a nation to have not moral authority at all to point against Mexico critics of corruption.

We have enough with the alarming rates of domestic violence existing here, as well as the political scandals and the sexual misconduct even in the highest spheres.

You have pointed your apparent racism or xenophobia Not only against Mexicans but also against all Muslims, that's pretty interesting.

No body is perfect and has the risk to sin, but there is people that it is aware of that and pray to God repented, there others that never pray and others that decide to pray to an Elephant or a cow Instead to God Creator.


The Angel of Lightness
edit on 12/13/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Haha.. how is it xenophobic racism to point out that some people in Mexico are bad people who do bad things or to say that Islamic extremists aren't very nice people who use the excuse of not having faith in their god to dehumanize others?

Are you saying Mexico doesn't have corruption, violence etc and all the people there are good god-loving people?

Just FYI:

Mexico was ranked as one of the top 75 most corrupt countries in the world

In the list of OECD countries (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) Mexico ranked as the most corrupt country in the world

Regarding murders:

(The following from Wikipedia)

"In 2012, Mexico had a murder rate of 21.5 per 100,000 population.[9] There were a total of 26,037 murders in Mexico in 2012.[9] Between 2000 and 2013, 215,000 people in Mexico were murdered. By 2013 there were only 30,800 people incarcerated for murder, this shows that the large amount of murders that go unsolved.[10] In October 2017, Mexico suffered its deadliest month since it started keeping such data in 1997, with 2,371 murder investigations. As of November 2017, with 20,878 murders nationwide in the first 10 months of 2017, an average of 69 per day, Mexico was on track to have its deadliest year on record."

Mexico has the 16th highest instance of murder against women in the world

According to a 1997 study by Kaja Finkler, domestic abuse "is embedded in gender and marital relations fostered in Mexican women's dependence on their spouses for subsistence and for self-esteem, sustained by ideologies of romantic love, by family structure and residential arrangements."

Mexico has been rated the most dangerous country in the world for journalists

I won't link to photos or videos of the violence perpetrated by the cartels but they are out there and they are horrific!

Look, I wasn't saying

Mexico = bad

But your OP clearly implied (in fact stated) that Mexicans (not some Mexicans but simply "Mexicans") are all super thankful and grateful to god every day etc. When the above clearly proves that's nonsense.

You further asserted that the Mexicans had 'special protection' because of their faith.

Mexico has some severe problems. They are no more worthy (and, depending upon your yardstick, possibly, arguably, LESS worthy) of protection than other, more peaceful societies.

Yet you throw the Japanese under the bus saying "bet they wish THEY had the protection when 100,000 of them were killed in an earthquake" and then blamed it on/ justified it because of, their use of prostitutes (or something?) When Japan is actually a much less violent and corrupt society.

I have ZERO issue with Mexicans (or anyone else for that matter). I was just pointing out that the premise of this thread is a bit ridiculous.

But by all means, throw some more tired buzzwords at me and continue to ignore (or perhaps totally miss) the point I was making

edit on 13-12-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-12-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

What the hell is wrong with you, have you never heard of the story of the Tilma of Huan Diego, if anything is paranormal everything about that is most definitely paranormal.

Oh and why complain on a thread that is about a Christian related paranormal/miracle related artifact and not on some of those horrible satanist posts that are being put up by genuinely sick minded people, oh that's right it's because this has link's not only to Christian faith but also to Catholic and worse Mexican isn't it.

Well Tough it is paranormal and more than that it is genuine, a bomb blows up in a jam packed cathedral and does not harm anyone despite destroying a solid stone alter, a five hundred year old cactus cloth Tilma - a type of poncho that has survived this long and the bulk of that time exposed to the air without being eaten by moth's or rot away when that material seldom lasts four or five years, an image that appeared when a guy saw a spiritual apparition and was told to pick some roses and take them to a bishop with a message, when he dropped the flowers out of his robe the image appeared on it and not just any image an image that has reflection's correctly distorted to the shape of the eyeball in the eye's of people, countless unexplained healing's including from terminal and incurable condition's.

But yeah it's christian and what's more it's catholic and Mexican so you want it gone - how about when you don't like a thread MOVE ON you don't own the site pal, I am sick of the anti christian's and satanists on this site attacking anything christian.

If this had been something to do with a weirdo self styled possessed (Or mentally ill) warlock talking to the devil with a pack of tarot card's you would not have said anything but because you know MIRACLE (with recorded miracles which are actually PARANORMAL AND UN-EXPLAINABLE EXCEPT BY THE OBVIOUS TRUTH OF WHERE THEY CAME FROM), Catholic (Easiest for you and other's to attack because you know the pope is a usual target as a way of attacking established religion - And it is probably also recognized by a fair share of the Orthodox Christian's as well) and Mexican.

It's real pal, it's religious BUT it is most definitely PARANORMAL.

YOU chose to read the post and then attacked it - Go and do that to the Satanists please or are you.

edit on 13-12-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I think you are quite right dear Labtech,

It is absurdt what we are seeing here, people behaving as extremists anti Mexican as well as anti Muslim, and at the same time pretending to invoke decency to make us feel they are only defending the highest moral principles?

What kind of not sensical judgemental attitude is that one? Invoking rights when they are profiling openly entire communities? They are full of contradictions.

This thread is Not against anybody, it was Not opened to attack anybody, what infuriates them is their own inability to analyze it without prejudices that only exist in their minds.

The Statistics they are bringing here in the limit of Negative attitude are not as worst than the Internal domestic violence we are suffering for at least a decade in the States.

The National criminal death toll is 40% higher than the one here mentioned from Mexico, but it is still lower that the number of people not fatally injured by criminals, then any place Mexico may have in the world ranking of crime it is sadly not as worst than the one we have here.

That is not what it is this thread about though, we are talking here about the Divine protective Power, this is a thread to excite faith, to make people up Not Down.

The obsession of that person to only point in the darkest of the negative side of the Mexican culture reveals how sick of hatred is he against other culture, nothing to do with the positive tone of the opening post.

His ignorant opinions are not just cynical and hypocritical are in the extreme of the ignorance, reproving an entire civilization of thousands of years just because he is unable to remove his attention from their criminality.

A Megaquake arriving to the most dense populated Metropolitan area of the Americas in a day and in a time everybody was ready for it, against 99.997 of the odds is absolutely paranormal.

Only 500 death toll in a valley with 25 million inhabitants is a formidable miracle either if somebody like it or Not, now miserable xenophobic opinions on it are clearly irrelevant.

Let's retake the good vibrations of the original message of the thread.

Thanks for your reply,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 12/13/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: The angel of light


"anti Mexican as well as anti Muslim"


I stated some Mexicans and specifically stated Islamic extremists and also stated that every other country in the world has it's own set of problems and specifically that I have no issue or problem with anyone of any race, religion or culture

But, yeah, keep putting words in my mouth, twisting what ive said and attacking me instead of actually trying to comprehend and discuss what I said.

It's fine, anyone who cares to read this thread can see for themselves. The words here speak for themselves and no amount of spin can change that.

Have a blessed day oh holier than thou and enjoy your special protection

Maybe spare a thought for the millions of starving and suffering in the rest of the non-god worshiping world, if you can summon (or at least feign) the empathy

edit on 14-12-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

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