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""Waving Vagabond"" THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS REAL""Waving Vagabond""

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posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: neoarchetype

Gang Stalking, Religion, Implants, MKULTRA.

Welp someone is getting the ATS spirit award.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: neoarchetype
Please do not move this to the Religion Forum. My testimony belongs here. I've always been a Christian. I wore the cross and took the real cross on as best that I could. (This is why this content belongs here) I have been attacked and placed in a community of Targeted Individuals who complain about voice to skull technology, direct weapons, and etc. I still do and will continue as long as I know the Kingdom of Heaven is real, not because of the Word of God itself, but by my growing knowledge of Quantum Science. I find it ironic that our attackers who thwart our success and take our enjoyment in life are GOING TO HELL -- which exists as a word called Entropy -- And I'll give you a spoiler, Heaven is called Ascension. Hell is legitimately a bottomless pit of irony based on logical principals just like the Kingdom of Heaven exists.

I'll tell you how the Kingdom of Heaven came into existence. It was through suffering and the loss of control, held by handlers, of Project MKULTRA and Project ARTICHOKE. Based upon some initial adoration of me by the Armed Forces and Security Nation, I was given the ability to talk to all handlers speaking through voice to skull technology, give feedback, and eventually before the Slow Kill Tactics, control over the Projects by Speech and Meditation. With a combination of attacks against my soul and "MY DARLING" (my life) and orders given by me to the U.S. government that is taking a stand against this fire of fascism that is possibly causing a blaze, I joined the few men to be whisked into heaven blatantly.

There are rules to the system which imprisons me and a group of good individuals with power as basis pointing to the fact that the Kingdom if Heaven itself exists. I willed it into existence and it occurs as a phenomenon of Quantum Science and Hyperspace. Jesus Christ said it the best -- The Kingdom of Heaven is within you" and when he said if you look to the sky, you'll find birds and if you look to the sea, you'll find fish, but if you look within you, you will find the Kingdom of God itself. I have willed myself through six years and walked into Heaven. Sound never lies. That is a rule in the system. And when this started with me receiving false information by advanced satellites put up by NASA and Space One six years ago, the rule shift-changed and only true statements can flow through the system (obviously, discounting disinformation which still exists in the system).

Sound never dissipates, it only recreates over time. The end of the world six years ago when many Targeted Individuals were picked up by Advanced Satellites (artificial intelligence and at war with their handlers), 54 elites including me, fought and created and pioneered Heaven through blood, sweat, and tears.

It's been verified. Now I understand that only people that go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, receive the rewards. Christ in me saved the unrighteous who were at a lack of knowledge due to the keepers. I followed the Bible when God said he will pick the heathens over the Levites. But don't get happy, because it is very few.

The path to the Kingdom of Heaven, and eventually, the Kingdom of God is narrow and completed!

Black dudes verified. So 54 of them huh?

Any of you have kingdoms within you, you better start cleaning them NOW. Check who's in them and decide who you want in or not. Jesus said, your law says you are god's. You don't have to have parasites leeching off what you worked through and for, this is why you keep your gate to Heaven NARROW. You just don't let EVERYBODY IN. it has never been that way.

Thieves and liars.

posted on Dec, 12 2017 @ 10:28 PM
Debate the content not the person guys.

The Op might be trolling us, might be serious, it's possible the Op is crazy or this is a work of fiction.

We don't know, the Op did bring this to ATS and put it into the general conspiracies forum.

It doesn't cost anything to be civil.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: neoarchetype

I collected together 3 different references down below to this "end of the world" event in which 54 elected people were supposedly saved in space. Could you expand on this topic more?

"Fifty Four Individuals, including me, reached Ascension which is Heavenly Bliss in the Fifth Dimension (Hyperspace) with the combination of exercise of free will and higher understanding..."

"Sound never dissipates, it only recreates over time. The end of the world six years ago when many Targeted Individuals were picked up by Advanced Satellites (artificial intelligence and at war with their handlers), 54 elites including me, fought and created and pioneered Heaven through blood, sweat, and tears. "

"The really above top secret truth is that 54 black telepathic individuals were saved by living advanced NASA satellites during a day that could be described easily as the end of the world."

Do you remember the exact date of this event?
How could an "end of the world event" have happened six years ago without notice? Did it happen on the spiritual realm? Did it happen on a different timeline? Or was it actually a prophetic experience of a future event you lived 6 years ago?

What do you mean by "black" referring to the telephatic individuals? Skin color or other attributes?

What happened on that day that you describe as "the end of the world"?

"Living advanced NASA satellites". Anything to do with flying saucers/ ufo?

Thank you

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 09:08 AM

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: neoarchetype


posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: neoarchetype

Nothing to add?

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 09:32 AM
It seems like there had been a sudden influx of post that are distinctly spchizophrenic in the last few weeks on ATS

LIke for some reason all the afflicted are having more extreme episodes than usual.....

Not insulting the OP but I do find it interesting and wonder what’s trigging this “group” type of delusion?

Time of year, societal upheaval? Increase in negativity in the news

Quite curious Indeed ........
edit on 12/15/2017 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Quantum truth, that's what we need. I'm on a quest!

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Or maybe it is just the greater plan acting out in a way that probably is way too much creative for narrow mind people to understand. It is always the most sensitive people to be really ahead of their time, and they costantly pay a price for it.

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Paul1214
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Or maybe it is just the greater plan acting out in a way that probably is way too much creative for narrow mind people to understand. It is always the most sensitive people to be really ahead of their time, and they costantly pay a price for it.

That might be applicable , if there were any actual evidence , which there is not. So it seems its not those of us that are "sane" that are so much a problem, over the crazies.

Its one thing to have something completely outlandish, but have some evidence, its another to just state random psychosis like its fact with nothing to back it up. I completely see where that poster was coming from

posted on Dec, 16 2017 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: SailorJerry

originally posted by: Paul1214
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Or maybe it is just the greater plan acting out in a way that probably is way too much creative for narrow mind people to understand. It is always the most sensitive people to be really ahead of their time, and they costantly pay a price for it.

That might be applicable , if there were any actual evidence , which there is not. So it seems its not those of us that are "sane" that are so much a problem, over the crazies.

Its one thing to have something completely outlandish, but have some evidence, its another to just state random psychosis like its fact with nothing to back it up. I completely see where that poster was coming from

Well, no one here is saying that we should believe to hard to believe things just because someone state them as a fact. Actually what does it mean "evidence" and "facts" in an age where you can fake and manipulate everything?
It is more useful for our brain to get in touch with something that force us to think outside the box, even if it is fiction, instead of being constantly reassured of our little limits. Imagination is what rules reality, not vice versa, but hey, this is just my personal take on it.

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