posted on Dec, 7 2017 @ 12:43 AM
I don't know if I have a problem, or if I just assumed that OSMC worked this way. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with OSMC flashed to a 16gb SD card and a
4gb USB with a couple films on it. I wanted to transfer the films to the SD card without using PuTTY, WinSCP, or any other internet based file
transfer method. Why you may ask; I'm not at all good at using the terminal/command prompt on computers and find it to be good practice. I am however
familiar with Arduino and proficient with G Code, so I "get it" on some level. The file transferring is not the problem, just trying to be detailed.
My assumption was that I could use the Raspberry Pi as a "server" and be able to access the Raspberry Pi from any computer, cellphone, or smart tv
on my home network to watch the films stored on the SD/USB.
When I type the IP address of my Raspberry Pi into my PCs URL bar, I am able to access OSMC as a web page. The web page has a completely different GUI
compared to the OS, however, it does have all the controls and options the OS has.
When I select a film to play using the PC, rather than playing it on the PC like I had thought it would (pulling data from the Raspberry Pi to the PC)
the PC acts as a controller for the Raspberry Pi and plays it on the screen attached to the Raspberry Pi. Now if I drag and drop a film onto the web
page, it will play the film. So I assume the web page is using OSMC to play it, which makes it seem as though it CAN do what I want, I'm just missing
Any help will awesome.
Please try and stay on topic as some might know both the Raspberry Pi and OSMC are capable of MUCH more than a simple entertainment system.