Hey ATS community, its nice to be back amongst you all after many years away from the forum. Seems things have changed quite significantly since my
last visit in 2005! Anyhooos, i have a new handle partly suggested by my 2 year old son (Aaron) after asking him what name i should use.. his reply..
Sun! hence SunWarrior besides i lost my previous login details and decided a fresh start was appropriate.
So what drove me back to ATS you may be wondering? Well i was watching a short animated clip by the late Jaques Fresco of The Venus Project and so my
inclination was to share my thought and feelings on it and something which has always been close to my heart.
I have always been a solution driven individual and for me personally, finding a solution to our greatest problem has always been an inner
philosophical debate.. namely the problems we see in the world from corrupt systems and human greed to ignorance and hostility towards one another. I
often wonder if our world was invaded by higher hostile intelligences early in our history and also why we experience horrendous suffering, some of
which truly is unnecessary.
According to the clip i watched Jaques was talking about not conforming to the system from a young age and thus going into studious and scientific
hibernation, learning that the universe is governed by laws and those laws are also applicable to us humans, not that you would think so going by what
we see the top-downers doing day in and day out.
So i began to wonder, what is this disease or illness we all have? Why are we so greedy and where does greed come from?
Perhaps it could be the old adage of Darwin's Survival of the Fittest, our innate instinct to hoard in order to survive the unknown future. My
personal take is that it arises through insecurities which the system spoon feeds us but then i may be wrong. Ultimately my question is, why do we
perpetuate a state of suffering when we don't really need to and further more why aren't we fast tracking a solution?
Human endeavour, ingenuity and invention has for most part always sought to make life easier for us so then why haven't we bandied together to solve
the really big issues and why have governments and rulers consistently created aggressively competitive environments from which very little solutions
are derived and yet chaos and greed reign supreme?
Personally i am tired of seeing suffering in the world, be it needless animal slaughter (over 1billion every week) to feed our hunger to war on the
young and innocent from the hands of the notorious warmongers of the world. Jaques went on to say that the money used during WW2 would have been
enough to curtail the great depression significantly enough for a peaceful society to blossom, so then why did we choose for war over peace? I mean
its nonsensical.
So i guess my new opening question would be: How do we (Humanity) fast track a solution? And who is responsible for bringing suffering in its many
guises to what would otherwise be a peaceful and harmonious race?
vid dont work here in the land of chop sticks
so are u against us chop stick users that need them to eat our home grown and anti rice against the US rice imports?
welcome aboard dude and enjoy the fact that the world does actually suck