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A Wonderful World

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posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 02:46 AM
I'm seeing a trend recently from a lot of people about how much the world sucks right now, how this is the worst year in the history of mankind, how we're all being socially engineered by the Illuminati, etc. Well I'm going to present an alternative view of the world, the way I view reality right now and why I think things are actually headed in a positive direction, despite all the negative rhetoric circulating recently.

For many years I've watched the MSM mold the minds of the public without anyone questioning them, as if they were the mouthpiece of god. Now for the first time ever we're seeing that their tight grip over global consciousness is being rapidly eroded due to their own overzealous behavior and neurotic desire to prove they have been right about Trump all along, it backfires every single time they try.

I never expected to see such a rapid disintegration of the status quo in my life, it may not destroy the MSM but it will force them to think much more carefully before they decide to present complete nonsense as facts, and that can only be a good thing, it's a path to a more truthful media and a world where global consciousness is not being subtly manipulated by them on a constant basis.

I don't particularly like Trump as a person and before he was elected I made several threads criticizing him as I'm sure many of you are aware, however I'm able to separate my emotions from my logical thinking process, I'm able to admit that the free world is far better off without Hillary at the helm, I'm able to admit the "deep state" doesn't like Trump at all and are very annoyed he beat Hillary.

To put it simply, I've chosen to oppose those who seek to constrict the human spirit and delay our progress as a species. There is a reason Wikileaks chose to damage the DNC. Now we have people saying Wikileaks is a Russian organization... it's truly sad that people can support vile political figures like Hillary and oppose agencies dedicated to exposing corruption, while purporting to be the enlightened truth seekers.

At least admit which side of the field you stand on. Trump clearly isn't an angel but he is doing a lot of good for the U.S. economy, I realize the socialists reading this are going to vehemently disagree with that statement but numbers don't lie. Great prosperity is possible in a capitalist free market system which has fair taxes, Hong Kong is a very clear example of this fact, and why wealth inequality does not translate directly into poverty.

As one of the world's leading international financial centres, Hong Kong's service-oriented economy is characterized by its low taxation, almost free port trade and well established international financial market.[13] Its currency, called the Hong Kong dollar, is legally issued by three major international commercial banks,[14] and pegged to the US dollar.[15][16] Interest rates are determined by the individual banks in Hong Kong to ensure it is fully market-driven.[17] There is no officially recognised central banking system, although Hong Kong Monetary Authority functions as a financial regulatory authority.[18][19]

According to Index of Economic Freedom,[23] Hong Kong has had the highest degree of economic freedom in the world since the inception of the Index in 1995. Its economy is governed under positive non-interventionism, and is highly dependent on international trade and finance. In 2009, Hong Kong's real economic growth fell by 2.8% as a result of the global financial turmoil. The 2017 version of the Economic Freedom of the World Index lists Hong Kong as the number one nation, with a score of 8.97.

Hong Kong's economic strengths include a sound banking system, virtually no public debt, a strong legal system, ample foreign exchange reserves at around US $408 billion as of mid-2017, rigorous anti-corruption measures and close ties with the mainland China. Despite the downturn, these strengths enable it to quickly respond to changing circumstances.[24] It has the most efficient and a corruption-free application procedure, the lowest income tax, the lowest corporate tax as well as an abundant and sustainable government finance. The government of Hong Kong consistently upheld the policy of encouraging and supporting activities of private businesses

Economy of Hong Kong

You see when businesses and individuals are taxed less they have more money to inject back into the economy, which helps to maintain liquidity rather than relying on a central bank to artificially inject liquidity into the market through quantitative easing schemes. There are very few times where the government will spend money more effectively than the private sector, excessive taxes do nothing but lower consumer and corporate spending, transferring that spending power to a bloated and inefficient government.
edit on 4/12/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 02:46 AM

Although the city boasts one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, it suffers from severe income inequality.[25]

Hong Kong has the highest statistical income gap in the Asia-Pacific region.

There were 908 homeless persons registered with the Social Welfare Department by the end of 2016

According to UN estimates, Hong Kong has one of the longest life expectancies of any country or territory in the world.[28]

Hong Kong

What's this, there is a very high level of inequality in Hong Hong, surely that destroys my argument right? No it doesn't, because in fact the average income per household in Hong Kong is very high and the standards of living are extremely high. I get the sense Wikipedia is trying to convey these 908 homeless people as a reason for why such a "fascist" system doesn't work, however when you consider the fact Hong Kong has a population of over 7M people you realize that's an impressively small percentage.

Giving up prosperity in return for equality is never a good solution and there's a reason why it almost always fails miserably. Anyway I don't want to go off onto a huge rant about why excessive socialist and communist policies harm an economy despite having good intentions in mind... the point is you're not increasing the total amount of happiness in the world by naively supporting an economic system based on your emotions or the virtues behind that system, things don't always work the way they were designed to.

I see hope and prosperity for our future now that many of the shadowy networks which control world affairs are starting to lose power. I already see many people being awakened to the idea that the MSM is nothing but a collection of corporations and they are capable of lying, I see more and more young people debating complex political ideas and joining sites like ATS, going down the rabbit hole as it were. I see global consciousness shifting in a direction of increased awareness and increased control over our destiny.

Now completely putting politics to the side, if you think the world is becoming a worse place to live every day because you see a lot of wars and global conflict on the news every day, you see people raping and killing each other and it looks like everything is going to hell... well you would be wrong because the world is now more peaceful than any other time in recorded history, whether you measure by war related deaths, murder rates, frequency of terror attacks, all of those things have been declining for a long time.

Don't let yourself be caught in this artificially constructed world view imposed on you by consistently negative MSM reports, they make their money from sensationalism and hysteria. We live in a very wonderful and beautiful world full of amazing things, with deep secrets we have yet to uncover. Sure there's a lot of hate and pain but that is what life is... it's imperfect, it hurts us deeply at times, but through that pain we can truly appreciate the good things in life. There is no such thing as utopia.

edit on 4/12/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I don't see the World through the lens of Trump. So a lot of what you say doesn't have much context for me.

My metric for if the World is getting better or worse is measured by the number of babies being born. As long as women continue to make love all is good in the World.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

I don't see the World through the lens of Trump. So a lot of what you say doesn't have much context for me.

I explained why the world is getting better through several different "lenses", and Trump was not one of those lenses, if it were Ron Paul I'd see things the same way, it's the principle behind what he stands for.

My metric for if the World is getting better or worse is measured by the number of babies being born. As long as women continue to make love all is good in the World.

Lmao, what kind of metric is that, the metric of how fast we're approaching overpopulation?
edit on 4/12/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 09:08 AM
Also I just want to make it clear that when I say "if it were Ron Paul I'd see things the same way", I'm not saying Trump is anything like Ron Paul or deserves the same level of respect as Ron Paul, they are quite different people but fundamentally they both oppose globalist ideals and support free market capitalism. In fact I recall Trump saying Ron Paul was a joke candidate back when he ran for the presidency, which I found very insulting and not conducive to the idea that the underdog candidate who is always mocked by the media has a real chance of winning. It's ironic that's exactly what happened to Trump, at first people saw him as a joke candidate but they soon realized maybe the MSM doesn't always control the outcome.
edit on 4/12/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2017 @ 03:05 PM
I've been hearing so many people in my life say "the world is coming to an end". I don't buy it. However, a lot of change is happening at a fast rate. I think the picture might be bigger than any of us can comprehend. But it seems from every direction there is an exponential rate of change. The very near future of technology will change the landscape of Earth, its inhabitants, and possibly reality itself. With change comes more choice and duality. I think we are in process of choosing what kind of change is coming and it's bigger than America and Trump. It's bigger than political or economic reform. I don't think politics is the only reason people feel that this is the "worst year ever", but Trump may be the most common archetype of that feeling worldwide at the moment.

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 02:18 PM
Sorry to bump this thread but this new TED talk is absolutely brilliant and highly relevant to this discussion:

edit on 19/6/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2018 @ 09:46 PM

edit on 19-6-2018 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2018 @ 01:37 AM
If we get one new piece of technology...Than we are a success!

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