originally posted by: Maroboduus
This is legitimately one of the single dumbest posts I have ever seen. And not just on this site; on the entirety of the Internet.
For what it's worth though, I don't consider reading, writing, and asking questions as dumb.
I'm around illiterate people that believe in some of the most screwed up stuff on a daily basis - and they aren't wondering "IF" Nibiru and the devil
are coming - they are absolutely certain. The other half are 100% certain that the Earth is literally flat.
Apparently most of society thinks crazy # like this.
And somehow you think me questioning some guy's actual mysterious death circumstances is the dumbest thing ever? I was asking questions, I never said
with certainty he was murdered. I just asked "what if?". How dare I?!
And you actually don't know Ernie's politics. He could have been saying some really taboo stuff around people and they just didn't repeat it on the
record to others.
There's no telling what motive could have been at play. He could have been killed for anything, even refusing to be outspoken. He could have been
killed for his views on Judaism, which if you research more you'll see what I'm referring to.
He could have been killed for just being black and a great ball player, or some guy close to him at Syracuse could have poisoned him because they were
jealous or because he stole his girlfriend or something petty like that.
And Jim Brown is outspoken but his rhetoric lately has been very conservative, like he admonished Kaepernick and got all super patriotic about flags
and called taking a knee "desecration" which is in my view, absurd.
Did Kaepernick defecate on or burn the flag? No? Than who cares if he took a knee? It's not a big deal really.
The problem is that people like Jim Brown are so devoted to the fictional concept of a 'nation' and the patriotic ferver associated with that fairy
tale that he considers anyone not completely subservient to be out of line and a desecrator or traitor.
Nations only exist in our minds and are at best, convenient fictional constructs. Primarily it is a form of propaganda to justify atrocities and war
to further dominion and hegemonic ambitions.
The only thing literally real is people and objects. Nations are abstract ideals of imagination. Yet Jim Brown is such a social justice warrior that
he... won't dare speak out about it and instead put down a man brave enough to take a knee?
Yes I know my OP was purely speculative, but the point is, Jim Brown is a status quo type far more than he is controversial. And we don't actually
know Ernie Davis' views or much of his personal life at all. Most that we know comes from 2 or 3 people, and that information is biased to some
Anyways, I'm glad you find the activity of doing reseach, asking questions, seeking facts, and exercising a healthy balance of skepticism as the
dumbest thing you Ever read.
Maybe you'd be a lot happier if someone like me never posted anything at all?