posted on Nov, 26 2017 @ 01:24 PM
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Or it is not and we spend all our conspiracy time searching out some greater evil that likely doesn’t exist... imho conspiracy people ignore the
little fish always hunting for the big fish..
It’s not the politicians we see raping and pillaging the American people who are the problem.... It’s the super secret illuminati who are the real
problem ..
It’s not the family from two houses down where the step dad is a little too touchy feely that is the problem.... it’s the elite pedo rings that
are the real issue..
Imho The paradime exists how I discribed, but behind that you will always have “turn coats” paid off to publicly say one thing, and then vote a
different way..
That doesn’t change the publicly spoken policy positions each side has..
Gop public policy positions are all pro- big corporation.. that is what they say is best for everyone.. publicly..
Them the democrats say it is not, but take money to vote for it anyway..
Who’s policy positions were correct though hasn’t changed..