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45 Pennsylvania Teachers Quit Due to Violent Students

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posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
I think it's crazy how people are so willing to let almost complete strangers raise and punish their kids for them. That's the sign of a sick society in my opinion, a society where the family structure has been ruined.

Kind of strange of you to make this claim in this thread, when in another thread where I showed how Delaware schools were allowing children/minors to decide what gender and race they are without the consent of the parents, you were in favor of it...
edit on 24-11-2017 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
a reply to: infolurker

Awesome, not only are we allowing our kids to be raised by people we barely know, we want them to punish them for us too! A school shouldn't be allowed to punish a kid unless their parents sign off on it. If they refuse to sign off on it and their kid keeps acting up then let the parents discipline them as they see fit, suspend them until they straighten up.

I find it disturbing that we are so gung-ho about letting strangers discipline children when it should be the parents responsibility. But I guess in a society that encourages children to be raised by the state and government this is to be expected.

The school should not punish anyone, they should kick all of their asses out of there and put them on probation. It is bad leadership in the school that is responsible for leaving those kids in there to keep causing problems. It is the parent's responsibility for those kids not having any respect. The principal should be replaced and the town should have an arrangement with the police to make sure those kids are removed and put through enough deprivation of their time so that they will think twice about pulling that crap off again.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 07:48 PM
Here is the nasty circle that has come about:

Once it was acceptable to discipline a child, to include spankings, using a paddle. If the child was doing bad in school, the blame fell on the child, the critics were honest most of the time, and ultimately the child, would straighten out and fly right. Any punishments that the child got at school, had real consequences, where the very idea or mere threat of such usually ended the behavior.

Then society changed, no longer was such acceptable. Most of the well known experts at the time, found such to be bad for the child later on in life. Affecting them in a psychological way that would cause a cycle of abuse. Striking the child was ill advised. It moved to affect the schools, and the punishments no longer were threatening or hurt so much.

So now we have today. There can be no losers in any game, everyone gets an award. There can be no punishments, too much and you have Social Services involved. A parent can not spank a child, for that would be considered in some cases to be a case of abuse on the part of the parent, even if the child deserves it. And as such, the police get involved and people cry abuse by the police, for the very rights that they were willing to give up. And what is worse, many of those parents, don't see their children as being part of the problem. And thus this nasty circle continues to get even worse. A child fails, it is obviously the teachers fault. Child acts out, well it is his classmates and so forth.

Perhaps we need to step back and perhaps take a page from our past, in how to deal and educate children, along with raising them.

posted on Nov, 24 2017 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

assault is justification for lethal force, the first one of these little frs to go down, the whole thing ends...or we can drag it out until forever...

posted on Nov, 26 2017 @ 09:19 AM

I say close the school ... see if the parents don't start whipping ass when they have to start footing the bill

The problem is the parents are both impotent, and extremely ignorant on what a good parent should do. So closing the school does not have any effect on ignorant parents like this. (I used to work in a public school and my ex is a teacher.)
edit on 11/26/2017 by bulrush because: (no reason given)

Another problem is the school board and principals are weak, which just compounds the problem.
edit on 11/26/2017 by bulrush because: Add text.

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