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Common denominator in Hollywood / Government sex scandals...

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posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 02:05 PM
First off, I am a woman.

I do believe there are cases where women are raped or abused and it is pretty cut and dry that something illegal and unacceptable happened, I'm not talking about this.

BUT................Im older now and some of these things are so transparent to me now.

Has anyone noticed that the majority of people that are being named are pretty darn unattractive?

I've seen it in the corporate world so many times,
Attractive higher level guy says or does inappropriate things to female women, she takes it as a compliment, maybe flirts back, uses it to her full advantage. Giggling in office ensues for hours. Female is soon promoted and all other ladies and closeted gay men are madly jealous.

Ugly higher level guy says or does inappropriate things to female worker, she is grossed out and uncomfortable, tries to use it to her advantage. If ugly higher level guy just uses her or does her wrong in any way, she will report it, say she was harassed. If not reported, she will hold on to it like a rain check.

Same level or lower rung ugly guy, girl goes to hr, tells all her coworkers how creepy he is.

Just for the record guys, Ladies are not that dumb. They know exactly what they are doing. Nobody has a legitimate "business" meeting in a hotel room, at night. There are actually books for women on how to use their sex appeal to get what they want in the workplace. Think about all the people coming out now. now thing about all the people that worked with them. There are plenty of women that were perfectly fine with the "arrangements" made.

I've read many of the cases regarding Weinstein. I would say 99% of them could have been easily prevented. Did Weinstein abuse his powers, absolutely, but so do many men and women in power. Did all these ladies enable Weinstein all these years? Probably. I feel a lot of these ladies sold themselves and now have regrets. In very few cases did the women say no, or reject the advances. One actress even said she knew he was the gatekeeper to fame. It was a choice. If I were an actress and saw Harvey coming at me in a Robe I'd be running out of there like FlowJo, but I'm no actress!

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

You are likely onto something.
If there's one thing that the trend for plus size models tells us it's that it's ok to be fat, as long as you're pretty.

Or take all those romantic movies with the guy trying to win the girl.
A good looking guy is romantic
An ugly guy is a stalker...

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 02:22 PM
I agree with you, but I'm a middle aged white guy, and I just see it as more of how us middle aged white guys are being treated as second class citizens.
Great for throwing under the bus. Take our kids away, accuse us of crimes decades later that destroy our lives work, raise our taxes a little more...

Pleh. Moving as far away from this sick society as I can manage.

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 02:40 PM
You can't tickle someone that doesn't like you... (It's true)

That says a lot right there, try it.

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 02:54 PM

What this is doing is increasing the victimhood mentality.

This video makes some really good points about happiness, where it comes from, and what takes it away. It sort of explains why we're so increasingly unhappy as a people and victimhood mentality is part of it.

Angry people lash out and hurt. They think it's OK to hurt others because they've been hurt and encouraging victim mentality increases unhappy, angry people.

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
First off, I am a woman.

great! i'm a woman too, and i think you're completely wrong. however, you will no doubt get lot of flags and stars for your totally novel victim-blaming. congrats!

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: fiverx313

originally posted by: JAGStorm
First off, I am a woman.

great! i'm a woman too, and i think you're completely wrong. however, you will no doubt get lot of flags and stars for your totally novel victim-blaming. congrats!

So you're a victim?

How on earth are we to ever court on another if a guy is not allowed to express his interest in you?

Or do you want to flip-flop the rules of Victorian England so that men must be safeguarded for the protection of their masculine modesty in the face of predatory femininity, and we ladies must go a-courting with flower bouquets where each bloom has a secret language of its own to take to our fair knights in distress as damsels errant?

Do we get to leave our favor for the fair gentlesir in question to wear modestly in his breast pocket? And if his manly virtue is ever exposed as compromised, will he need a fainting couch?

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 03:08 PM
For certain, many of us have noticed that, according to movies, being a creepy stalker is perfectly OK if you look like Ryan Gosling or Adam Sandler. You'll end up getting the girl in the end. However, if your looks are more like Steve Buscemi or Gary Busey, you'll end up in jail or dead.
edit on 21-11-2017 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 03:15 PM
I've never seen this, and I absolutely love it! so simple and true!

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: fiverx313

I may be wrong according to your thinking, but according to my thinking I am right.

Let's switch this around. You are a man, your need a job, the boss asks you to her hotel room. You go, she is in a robe, she tell you to undress, which you do, and then she perfoms on you. You don't say no, you don't say anything because you really need the job. She is the Gatekeeper your words, You make a choice, many years later you say you were abused???? HUH????? Doesn't sound right does it, that is literally what happened in one of the cases.

posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
I agree with you, but I'm a middle aged white guy, and I just see it as more of how us middle aged white guys are being treated as second class citizens.
Great for throwing under the bus. Take our kids away, accuse us of crimes decades later that destroy our lives work, raise our taxes a little more...

Pleh. Moving as far away from this sick society as I can manage.

Wait... Conyers is a middle-aged white guy???

Did he just not age well...

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 02:57 AM
And you'll notice how the unkempt liberal lady's accusations,have little to no merit,they were ugly back then as well,think they are dreamers,since most men wouldn't touch them with a long stick


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