posted on Nov, 20 2017 @ 05:22 AM
Malcolm Played Football/Soccer, No doubt he would have headed the ball numerous times, He also smoked and drank like a fish, so much so his cousin
stevie had to stand in for him back in the 90's while Mal went into rehab. All these things added together can bring on early dementia..Then there's
the luck of the draw.
Head banging angus on the other hand was never really into football as much as malcolm and is and always has been tea total. Smokes like a chimney
mind you, but has really kept himself in good shape with his high energy performances. How many 62 year olds do you know who can do half of what angus
does night after night while on tour.
Angus will go on a bit longer but the chances are the smokes will be his eventual downfall. Unless he has a final destination moment.