posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 05:21 PM
The escorted man in the video is not a Saudi Prince, but rather a man named Jason Buff, who stepped up to say it was himself in the video. He is a
night manager of security at the Tropicana and got called into work from a softball game. He also provided proof of his matching shirt that was seen
in the video. I got this information from Tracybeanz' twitter who investigated this route very diligently.
In her posts, she correctly proposes that if this was an escorted man, he'd not be in a rear position so openly accessible and in the video he breaks
away at the end. Mr. Buff's statement is buried deeply in the FB comments section of a page called "Worldstar Hip Hop". which I painstakingly waded
through once and won't be doing so again, so feel free. She also says he can be messaged about it, but this I didn't do.