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Vietnam dissident locked in home for protesting Trump

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posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Neither of us could put up with someone verbally abusing us.

You haven't met my mother.

During my 'outdoors' phases I met more officers in a month than most people do their whole lives. I was always respectful, let them do their job.

I never had any trouble either. That was years ago. Now I hear they are charging people with the crime of homelessness in San Diego.

I also know they are putting razor wire under overpasses, patrolling the tracks and arresting people for 'trespassing' and disorderly conduct for camping under bridges and sleeping on sidewalks, park benches, behind stores and in alleys.

"Policies" are changing, statutes and ordinances are becoming law, misdemeanors becoming felonies.

Who wants to harass homeless people in the middle of the night, for 'sleeping'?

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: rickymouse

My understanding is that Police are there to serve and protect the public and uphold the law of the land.

As to the feelings of the public towards them? That should be neither here nor there and in no way influence them performing their job.

Stands to reason really, because anything else, amounts to a form of favoritism which is not how laws function at all.

Cops are humans, there is no way in hell that a jerk throwing insults at them will not effect how they act. They are not robots without a soul, they are regular people and favoritism is a part of their job. You treat them with respect, they do the same for you. Some are serious looking at their job, but they are not like that if you know them personally.

Why do people think that cops have to be inhuman? It is just their job, their job does not mean they have to take abuse, only that they have to justify it when slamming a head down onto a hood "because they were resisting arrest" which can be said for verbally challenging the cop, or they thought the person was armed before shooting them.

Wake up, this is the real world, one containing real people. I have known people who mouthed off to the cops regularly, they spent time in jail and paid their share of fines before they figured out doing so was unwise.

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: rickymouse

Neither of us could put up with someone verbally abusing us.

You haven't met my mother.

During my 'outdoors' phases I met more officers in a month than most people do their whole lives. I was always respectful, let them do their job.

I never had any trouble either. That was years ago. Now I hear they are charging people with the crime of homelessness in San Diego.

I also know they are putting razor wire under overpasses, patrolling the tracks and arresting people for 'trespassing' and disorderly conduct for camping under bridges and sleeping on sidewalks, park benches, behind stores and in alleys.

"Policies" are changing, statutes and ordinances are becoming law, misdemeanors becoming felonies.

Who wants to harass homeless people in the middle of the night, for 'sleeping'?

Oh, you have a mother like that, I once got bitched out for not saying anything about my cousin taking the city snowplow and hitting three cars when he borrowed it at night to go get a friend out of the ditch. My mother saw it on the news four days later and she was mad her sister didn't tell her, her sister told me not to tell her till she had more info on it. So I got bitched out by my aunt and my mother for not telling her the next day, I was at my aunts playing cards with my other cousins when he did it at night. There is no winning an argument with a woman.

The cops are not the ones making those rules, they are just enforcing the rules those who are the heads of the towns put into play. Do not blame the cops for that. I know some local cops, one said he was not going to give out seat belt tickets to people in town. Although there is no "official quota" the police department is advised to give out a certain average to qualify for certain funding. So the other cops had to give out more ticket or the local police department would lose money and then there would be a reduction of officers, which is bad, they do not have quite enough as they need now. The ones I know tell me that in certain accidents they were at, the person who got T-boned would have been better off without a seat belt. My nephew went off the road and rolled his camero on the sholder, it was a T-top and the roof got crushed down to the seat. It was a twenty five mile an hour accident. If he would have been buckled off he would have got his head crushed, but when he was rolling off the embankment off the shoulder of the road, he flipped headwise into the passenger seat and only had a few scratches. The cop just said, you were wearing your seatbelt....right, so he said yes.

Why do I mention this, because cops are human, they have seen way more of some things than you and I and they have learned that what is legally right is not always right. But they are not allowed to say much or they lose their job. Unless you know a police man personally, you will not hear what is happening, they are restricted by contract not to tell what really happened. This protects the people making the laws more than citizens. I would never tell anyone what a policeman I knew told me in confidence. I will not tell people what a particular congressman told me either, just that I was told something. I even know someone up pretty high in the pentagon, but I will not even ask him what goes on there, he gives me some hints when I occasionally see him.
edit on 13-11-2017 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

So the deal is that if the Police feel they are being disparaged then they do not help or intervene?

Humans or not where does it say that in the job description?

The real world is the problem, and alarmingly enough so are any Police that decides to implement justice dependant on compliance or respect.

Down that road lies anarchy im afraid, a lot of dead Police and even more of the public i imagine.

edit on 13-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2017 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

The cops are not the ones making those rules, they are just enforcing the rules those who are the heads of the towns put into play. Do not blame the cops for that.

The police enforce "Policy" too.

Sorry if I wasn't making that clearer from my direct experience.

Most don't know what they are capable of because they sleep behind closed doors in their bedrooms at night.

The other segment of the population, the poor people, get to see it first hand.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Some Police are bastards of the first order with there own agenda, axe to grind and perversion of there own misguided justice to dispense.

Some Police are perfectly acceptable understanding individuals that are there to help and do so immensely.

But where a position of trust and in a job where enforcement of the law is paramount that can be rather problematic and detrimental to the position.

And like you suggest, class, colour and social standing can be a contributing factor as to how Police respond in any given situation.

Fact of the matter is that we should screen our LEOs better worldwide thus weed out the wrong sort of personality traits that do not suite the position.
edit on 14-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Fact of the matter is that we should screen our LEOs better worldwide thus weed out the wrong sort of personality traits that do not suite the position.

Fellow officers that don't expose the corruption are also complicit by their silence. Hard to do though in a justice system turned upside down.

So they go along to get along.

In the linked image below all the officers that are also in attendance and saw what happened to Rodney King didn't know there was a video, turned in their incident reports reflecting they didn't see any injustice. They may not have participated, but they knew better than to whistle blow on their fellow officers.

Thats like the children on the playground intimidated by the schoolyard bully. If you don't want to be next...

don't say anything

Edit: Ever see the Film, Serpico? The book is better. True story about one detectives struggle to remain honest in a sea of corruption.
edit on 14-11-2017 by intrptr because: Edit:

edit on 14-11-2017 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: intrptr

You know i have seen the film, but i think now i will also read the book.

Same crap over here buddy.

The Police are pretty much responsible for 90% of the Smack(Heroin) in circulation on our streets and in just about every large town or major city.

Bent as a £3 note really, and even the good'yins turn a blind eye to there corrupt counterparts simply down to some honor code or because they know if they do grass as to whats happening or draw attention to other matters of corruption they simply won't be promoted or move up the ladder.

We hint for everyone, see they poor wee homeless looking junkies that sit outside all the subway stations, or more frequently the bookies these days, selling score bags of kit(£20 raps of Heroin) to anyone and everyone, guess how they are very seldom moved on and guess who their supplier is?
edit on 14-11-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: andy06shake


Image search

Here in the states we've had 300,000 heroin overdose deaths since 2000. So sad, I know the dangers of drug addiction, seems theres a continuous supply these days.

Legal Opiates are a big problem here too.

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