posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 10:33 AM
George: Condi nice to see you.What`s happening?
Condi: Sir,I have the report here aboutthe new leader of China.
George:great,lay it on me.
Condi;Hu is the new leader of China
George:Thats what l want to know.
Condi:That`s what I`m telling you.
George.that`s what I`m asking you.Who is the new leader of China?
George:I mean the fellows name.
George:The guy in China.
George:The new leader of China.
George:The main man in China.
Condi:Hu is leading China.
George:Now whaddya` asking me for.
Condi:I`m telling you,Hu is leading China.
George:Well I`m asking you.Who is leading China?
Condi:Thats the mans name.
George:Thats who`s name?
George:Will you,or won`t you tell me the name of the new leader of China?
Condi:Yes Sir.
George:Yasser?Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he`s dead in the middle east.
CondI:That`s correct.
George:Then who is in China?
Condi:Yes Sir.
GeorgeYasshir is in China?
Condi:No Sir.
George:Then who is?
Condi:Yes Sir.
Condi: No,Sir.
George:Look Condi.I need to know the name of the new leader of China.Get me the Seceretary General of the UN on the phone.
George:No thanks.
Condi:You want Kofi?
Condi:You don`t want Kofi.
George:No.But now that you mention it,I could use a glass of milk.And then get me the UN
George:Not Yassir! The guy at the UN.
George:Milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi:And call who?
George:Who is the guy at the UN?
Condi:Hu is the guy in China.
George:Will you stay out of China?!
George:And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the UN
george:All right! with cream and two sugars.Now get on the phone!!!!!!