do you think GOD is all knowing or just all powerful, maybe GOD doesnt know the future but can do wonderous things.
Call this…
A Treatise on Time and Space
Maybe you’re not aware of the fact that there seems to be no weird idea that has not been discussed in Western philosophy, including what you
suggest: a fallible Creator God who is unable to keep everything under control once It has created everything.
An all-powerful God dwells necessarily in a timeless condition, and thus is aware of the future, because if It were to have no knowledge of the
future, It would constantly be confronted by unexpected events and could hardly be up to the task of managing everything. Something that is
all-powerful is inevitably all-knowing, but is Something that is all-knowing inevitably all-powerful ?
Timelessness is rationally inconceivable, so if you are a rationalist, logic forces you to reject the existence of an all-seeing, all-powerful Being,
because It is not affected by time.
However, something as evident to the senses and as concrete as space is the biggest hint about the irrational nature of existence, about the existence
of something that reason is unable to grasp, because it is impossible to understand the nature of space. Supposing that it is infinite, how can it
simply go on and on and on, without there ever being and end to it?
On the other hand, supposing that it is not infinite, how can it have a limit? A barrier between all that exists and nothingness is inconceivable,
because in that case the Universe would be like something surrounded by nothing, which is absurd. How can you have a blob of Everything floating
around in a Sea of Nothing? Inevitably there has to be something beyond any limit in space. You cannot have something spatial surrounded by
something that is not spatial. But suppose that you can travel to the limit of the Universe, and extend your arm beyond it, into “nothingness”.
Would your arm disappear?
The conclusion is that Something is hiding out there, in the Land Beyond Beyond, where space blends into whatever it has to blend into. The answer
lies at the Edge of the Universe. This means that what we call the Big Bang is an eternal expansion in all directions that started nowhere and is
going nowhere. It just SEEMS that it started somewhere, in a point of infinite density where time and space were nonexistent, and as soon as it
started, time and space were supposed to have sprouted into existence.
If you understand this then please say so and try to explain it, since I still don’t see how anybody can understand it.