posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 02:01 PM
If any one hasnt noticed, the last tax rebate the american people recived from the Bush camp, was in fact nothing more than a bribe to the american
people. Money talks, BS walks.
Is it really obvious that there is no way to pay back the american people for the past corruption? I think there is.......
If anyone has in the past there was alot of talk about NESARA. Some said it was a fraud, some said it was real. But what it tried to do was right
the wrongs by giving debt canclelation. My poinion? NOT ENOUGH!
NESARA was also to abolish the IRS, the Federal reserve(that isnt really federal), the AMA, ADA, and the APA, FDA, and, the CIA. It would also ban
secret societies from our shores. Good Bye Bohemian Club, Scull & Bones, and the rest.
We would have to start all over with our monitary system. You want bribery Mr Bush? Okay, lets play ball.
I propose that due to the criminal acts that have been commited in the past, the first thing to be done is to compensate the american people by
rewarding them with a long overdue settlment. Personally, I would reward no less than, 1,000,000.00 to each registerd Voter in this country. The
money would come from the resurrected United States Treasury! (The Lincoln Green Back)
This would be done with a law that would cap present prices and wages where they are now. Its our country, we can do what we want. We can worry
about the impact it would have on the world, later. It would force other countries to go along with us, or cease to exsist. But that is there
As bribery goes Mr Bush, I propose bribing the American people not with a cheap 400.00, but with 1,000,000. Can you imagin what that would do for the
economy? LOL