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originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: DJW001
Hey These are not my fantasies I am being LARPed remember?
originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: DJW001
I'm fine with this being an elaborate hoax however unlikely it seems to be that way at this point. But you should probably mentally prepare yourself for what's coming just in case it's not a [hoax]
I'm happy that law enforcement is following up on the initiatives started during the Obama administration.
On April 9, 2013, the White House Forum to Combat Human Trafficking was held to highlight the significant progress this Administration has made to combat human trafficking, including developments since President Obama delivered his seminal speech on the fight to end trafficking in persons at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in September 2012.
originally posted by: Skyfloating
2017 has been an awakening. Seeing how the NY TImes said, on election day, that Hillary has a "95% chance of winning". Seeing the Podestas "Art". Wondering why CNN runs in every single airport and public place in the world. Seeing Hollywood full of sexual predators. Seeing the msm attack Trump like crazy from the very beginning. Seeing racism issues being artificially fueled on all sides. Seeing ISIS disappear off the map in a very short time. Seeing the Hefner-Assange connection. Learning about Qanon. The list is endless. The fact that so many people still think there is nothing to see here, reveals an incredible apathy. Even a lifelong conspiracy-theory skeptic such as myself cant deny that something big is happening behind the scenes.
originally posted by: DJW001
originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: DJW001
The latest tally of somewhere around 4500 sealed indictments. I guess we will all find out together
But in the meantime, enjoy your fantasies. Wake me when something actually happens.
originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: eisegesis
Wow, I bet while Trump was on the golf course some huge busts were made. I love how people look for anything that went up and then say ... But but.. Trump did this!!!
WTF who cares in coincidences?