posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 02:26 AM
So far all my relationships have ended with me catching my g/fs cheating. IDK why, but every g/f I have ever had has cheated on me, and thus we broke
up. I would understand if it happened with one or two, but all of them. I pay for meals, movie tickets, take out/order in, I didn't push them to do
anything they didn't want to do, I wasn't an ass or annoying or anything bad like that, and all of them cheated. Asked some female friends of mine
and they say they don't know why either. Should I be worried that the only women that will go out with me will cheat? Kinda pisses me off, female
frined of mine has been in a relationship with her g/f for over 3 years and never cheated on her, or vice versa. A male friend of mine has dated a
girl, and now engaged, for over 4 years. Anyways, bored, it 3:31am and have nothing to do but cruise ATS/BTS/PTS so I figured I'd post here since I
haven't yet.