posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 05:26 AM
Over the recent weeks there has been much ado about the alleged release of the JFK files. Probably one of the biggest questions all these years has
been why they've been kept locked away as long as they have. It is my firm belief the files, once fully released, will
not contain any new
revelations about who killed JFK (other than LHO). There won't be anything about multiple shooters, or some grand CIA conspiracy, etc. Why? Because
they never found anything.
However, I do believe they will contain a conspiracy bigger than the American people and the World can imagine. In
many ways I think we've already seen what it is too.
I believe, when (all) the papers finally see the light of day, we will see the real truth...our government was looking in all the wrong places. We
will see that investigators were so convinced by their own political motivations and confirmation bias that they never looked, or even contemplated
looking, in the areas where the real smoking guns were. And, this is the reason they've been kept secret for as long as they have...government
ineptitude and potential embarrassment. I believe they will show all the investigations and the government officials associated with them were
nothing more than a laughable witch hunt, conducted by a bunch of Keystone like cops, bent on confirming their own conspiracy theories at the time.
They weren't looking at the facts and evidence objectively, but rather with glasses already colored with their own ideas of what happened, ignoring
the facts and evidence. They will show the whole thing was a farce...and that is the most embarrassing thing of all.
We've already seen one example of it; suddenly there's this huge revelation about MLK and his dealings. So convinced they were that MLK and others
like him surely must have had something to do with JFK's assassination that they left no stone unturned with exhaustive investigations, all while
ignoring the glaring facts which were right in front of them (things like the Zapruder film frame by frame analysis, etc.). We will see that the
forensic evidence was mishandled so badly through bumbling ineptitude by officials that no conclusion could be drawn, and certainly not one which fell
outside of their confirmation bias.
real secret of the JFK files, is that this mighty government just flat-out botched the whole investigation...and looked in all the wrong
edit on 11/5/2017 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)