posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 03:15 AM
Just 2 minutes of searching reveals Linda Moulton Howe to be very sketchy.
But I've seen her lecture on youtube before and she was backing up some really silly ufo lore. Abductions and other nonsense. She's not a "ufo
journalist" in the real sense of investigating the pros/cons, real/hoax, ins and out of ufo cases but just looking to ride the hype train of
sensationalist ufo reporting.
You won't hear her ever question or doubt stuff that is pretty easily debunkable.
I don't think she is at all reliable. One huge problem for any ufo writer is can you actually earn a living being a real investigative journalist?
Can you still sell books and book appearances when you're debunking some ufo cases and supporting others?
I don't think stuff like that sells. You either go full skeptic and write for and lecture to that crowd or you work the pro-ufo crowd.
I don't think a middle ground is sustainable. Not enough book sales and speaking events unless you have exciting stuff to sell or hardcore skeptic
stuff to push.
It's hard to pay those bills these days. Get yourself a mortgage and some kids and suddenly it's not a stretch to imagine bending the truth a bit to
I was once laid off and had to work minimum wage for a while. It sucked so hard that if I was a writer and got a deal to write a ufo book I would be
looking to sensationalize every BS crap ufo mythology that people would buy. running out of $$$ is that scary.
so I don't blame people for hustling, I just can't trust them