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Did George Soros Help Pay For Antifa Ad In The NY Times?

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posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 02:15 AM
I'm sure most of you know that today, Antifa are planning rallies in 20 cities across America. Since most of these social warriors are college students and struggling, whining millennials, who paid for the full page New York Times ad?

My guess is that George Soros is behind it:

Here's an interesting rant I remembered reading 3 months ago concerning Soros. I'd say he's spot on!

So, Soros is funding Antifa. Here is the evidence that this senile chaos-merchant is greasing the palms of these violent (and ironically somewhat fascistic) leftist thugs:

There is nothing ideological about Soros. Sociopaths don’t have political convictions. He merely creates chaos for profit and power and cares not about the wider world around him.

It’s like a perverse form of insider trading, with the world acting as the stock exchange and various nations and cultures representing the stocks going up or down. When you wield his level of political influence it isn’t difficult to judge which ones will rise or fall. Because you decide which ones rise or fall.

Soros doesn’t ‘support’ candidates in the same way that other rich and powerful men ‘support’ candidates. Instead of opening his chequebook for lobbyists and peaceful movements, he does it for violent thugs.

Soros represents the politics of destruction, rather than progression. The politics of burning buildings rather than building your own.
In many ways, George Soros behaves like a domestic terrorist:

Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is terrorism targeting victims "within a country by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims.[1] There are many definitions of terrorism, and no universally accepted definition. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience."[1]

edit on 11/4/2017 by shawmanfromny because: grammar

edit on 11/4/2017 by shawmanfromny because: bad link

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

What hasnt Soros paid for.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: shawmanfromny
I'm sure most of you know that today, Antifa are planning rallies today in 20 cities across America. Since most of these social warriors are college students and struggling, whining millennials, who paid for the full page New York Times ad?

My guess is that George Soros is behind it:

Here's an interesting rant I remembered reading 3 months ago concerning Soros. I'd say he's spot on!

So, Soros is funding Antifa. Here is the evidence that this senile chaos-merchant is greasing the palms of these violent (and ironically somewhat fascistic) leftist thugs:

There is nothing ideological about Soros. Sociopaths don’t have political convictions. He merely creates chaos for profit and power and cares not about the wider world around him.

It’s like a perverse form of insider trading, with the world acting as the stock exchange and various nations and cultures representing the stocks going up or down. When you wield his level of political influence it isn’t difficult to judge which ones will rise or fall. Because you decide which ones rise or fall.

Soros doesn’t ‘support’ candidates in the same way that other rich and powerful men ‘support’ candidates. Instead of opening his chequebook for lobbyists and peaceful movements, he does it for violent thugs.

Soros represents the politics of destruction, rather than progression. The politics of burning buildings rather than building your own.

In many ways, George Soros behaves like a domestic terrorist:

Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is terrorism targeting victims "within a country by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims.[1] There are many definitions of terrorism, and no universally accepted definition. The United States Department of State defined terrorism in 2003 as "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience."[1]

Yeah... Soros certainly didn't make the statement quoted in the meme from "Bild" magazine in Germany... although him actually doing what that meme said would be no surprise to me.

He's made a fortune destabilizing other nations and their currencies.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

First link doesn't work

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: RickinVa

Sorry...corrected it. Was a secured webpage. Need to copy and paste link for complete story.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 02:46 AM
Trump/Pence "Regime"........

Deluded f#cks....

"Be there, Join with the thousands", Honestly I would rather push bard wire down my pee hole than spend any meaningful time with any number of whining communist's that in most cases have f#ck all life experience, being mainly students I do have to remember the saying..
"If you are not a liberal in one's 20s you have no heart, if you are still a liberal in one's 30's you have no brain"......

edit on 4-11-2017 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2017 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2017 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 03:17 AM
Believe me, i am not a fan of old greedy farts like Soros, Trump etc.

But fake news should be declared as fake news. Saw that picture which says BILD, September 2014.
Tried to find that interview, and it never happened.
Here is the result of the search in the archives of the transatlantic ruled Springer propaganda company:
How do the fake news screamers say, a big "nothingburger", with extra cheese.

Then i found this, so i don´t have to write it down in my not so fabulous english:

Although this image indicated that the business magnate and political activist made this comment during the course of an interview with the Germany newspaper Bild in September 2014, we found no evidence that any such interview took place. The putative statement from Soros about his funding “Black Hate groups” does not appear in the newspaper’s archives for September 2014 (or any other month), nor did we find reference to it in any other credible publication. The first iteration of this quote we could uncover appeared on the Tumblr page “Overpasses for America” in an article published on 19 August 2016, nearly two years after Soros allegedly issued these inflammatory remarks. Aside from the suspicious lack of documentation for this alleged Soros quote, it’s highly unlikely that the billionaire would be so open and candid about a plan to fund “Black Hate groups,” manipulate the black community, and bring down the United States in a newspaper interview. (It also makes little sense for Soros, one of the world’s richest people and most successful capitalists, to be motivated to dismantle the nation that is home to the planet’s largest economy.) Fake quotes are frequently accompanied by false source information in order to make them appear legitimate. This tactic has also been used for viral quotes ostensibly uttered by Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, for example: Trump was accused of saying that Republicans were the “dumbest group of voters” during an interview with People, and Clinton was accused of saying the same of Democratic voters in a 2005 book. Yet neither Clinton nor Trump made such comments.

They even did the same thing that was my first idea, searched the archives of BILD for any Soros interview in 2014.

Sometimes it´s so easy to debunk fake news, if somebody really wants to debunk real fake news!

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: ADSE255
a reply to: shawmanfromny

What hasnt Soros paid for.

His effin crimes
In several countries.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 03:39 AM
A full page ad in the New York Times cost about $150,000. That is a drop in the bucket. Multiply that times 20 if there are 20 of these full-page ad around the country and it's still a drop in the bucket. Any rich person could do that without breaking a sweat. And according to people on the right all the rich people are liberals. So, it could be anyone.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 03:43 AM
Or 10 not so rich but still well off liberals could put up $15,000 apiece and there would be the cost of the ad. That's likely to.

Or the New York Times, dastardly liberal rag that it is, could do it for free.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 03:58 AM
How is calling for the overthrow of the duly elected President of our Republic not sedition? Someone needs to be arrested for that crap.

edit on 2017/11/4 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 04:04 AM
George Soros backed a startup run by the brothers Jared and Josh Kushner and nobody cared about that: Ignored ATS thread about Jared Kushner's ties to George Soros.

But I'm sure this is going to be a bloody outrage.

edit on (11/4/1717 by PistolPete because: spelling

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 06:46 AM
I'm guessing "Refuse Fascism" paid for it with their name on it and all. I looked these nerds up the other day for a laugh. I'm sure they can raise enough from their self loathing whitey friends. Or mom and dad wiring them a few bucks. I'm sure Georgie gets "great pleasures" seeing white kids promote and fund a hate group aimed at suppressing themselves. Haha!
You can't make this stuff up. My kids know better, and could take an army of these idiots out.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Its not an Antifa add. is associated however, with the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, and with the The World Can't Wait, which is an organisation which opposes the War on Terror.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 07:36 AM
link LOL
Refuse fascism by being a fascist???

Jesus these people are the least self-aware people I’ve ever seen...


posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: Christosterone LOL
Refuse fascism by being a fascist???

Jesus these people are the least self-aware people I’ve ever seen...


Thats a paradox if ive ever seen one.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 09:23 AM
George Soros' son is running things on the ground on the west coast, and it's been pretty well documented.

He also pumped 8 billion or so into some antifa related things over the past month or so.

George Soros does this stuff for kicks. He loves burning down governments, and the ultimate trophy would be America. He is scum.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

I don't know why we don't drone Soros.

posted on Nov, 4 2017 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

If I was George Soros, every time I was introduced I'd have them play this song


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