posted on Nov, 1 2017 @ 08:39 AM
My good friend had a video made and I thought you all might get a kick out of it.
The dogs name is Missy and we have been pals since the day she came home.
She is not my dog but I have spent a TON of time with her and we have a pretty solid bond and she is very protective.
She is a crappy hunting dog,she farts a lot and eats socks,underwear and towels.
She does the Ride for Dad motorcycle run to raise money for cancer and seems to be able to tug the hearts of the people with cash.
She is always the happiest creature around and I dread the day when she passes on. is my pal Missy.
edit on 1-11-2017 by DrumsRfun because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-11-2017 by DrumsRfun because: (no reason given)