posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 06:59 AM
I never thought much of this dream I had many years ago when I was only in my pre-teens. I dismissed it as no more then freakish nightmare, untill
I've been reading on all these alien stories. That's when I started to remember the dream again and I don't think I could ever forget it.
It started off quite awkward and unexplainable. It felt as if I had really woke up and I thought that I was truly awake. As a usual habbit, I checked
the time and saw it clearly, and I could also see out my window and everything. I figured i wasn't sleeping naturally and got out of my bed. Now
remember, I thought i was awake since that's how it felt, i can't explain further except that i had never been in any dream that felt like it (where
I have 100% perception of my senses) and where i can still remember it verbatim to this day.
So after checking the time, I had to go to the bathroom and I got up and opened my door. Now this is where things start to get messed up. Reality
started to distort (which is why I think it still might be a dream) with my sense of vision blurring and my ownself dumbing down like as in a dream. I
was in my kitchen which was outside of my door, and I looked over and saw a figure sitting lifeless like on the floor besides our counter. The stove
was moved so that the figure would be able to fit in the space. I looked at it and it looked human, dressed in some white colorred outfit. I thought
it was dead by the way it looked and approached the figure.
This is where dream turned into a complete nightmare. The figure awoke and faced me almost instantly staring glowing red eyes directly into mine. I
freaked and ran to my moms room and as soon I started to run, it got it and chased me holding a syringe. I remember feeling more dreamlike by this
point since things started to get blurry (vision wise) and I started to feel sluggish and disorientated. When I reached my moms bed, which was only
seconds after i started running, I was cornered basically. This is when basically I turned around, saw her, the needle and blackout.
It doesn't end there however, because when I woke it, it was complete deju vu from the first time I woke up. The time was excact (around 2 something,
i can't remember anymore) and so was the room and surroundings. I was scared already having gone through that nightmare but I wasn't sure if it had
really happened. So like my usual self, I went to investigate and left my room to the kitchen which now had the lights off. I sighed relief and
finally could do my business. That's when I realized the stove was moved just like in my dream. I just thought to myself, what's behind me and sure
enough, I encountered the same figure with the shot again. Blackout.
The third time I woke up, I was scared to death because now I wasn't sure if I was dreaming anymore. It was the same thing again, and yet I could
tell that the previous two dreams had felt as real as when I awoke the 3rd time. I took no chances this time and slept out the night.
Afterwards, I wouldn't think much about it figuring that it was no more then a really bad dream. What still has me thinking was that never again in
my life would I feel as real as it did in that dream since nothing was scripted and I was in full control as if I was really awake. I also had a
hamster which was very well there as well as everything else where it was when I had went to sleep. The clock was also working correctly displaying
the time and it was around 2am.
Besides never going through an expieriance like that again, I never once again dreamed of the nightmarish figure that gave me the shot again even
though I fear it most (not many things i could have nightmares aboout). I also never had a dream where I woke up into another dream, and even so
having the two consecutive dreams start out exactly the same. I was hoping to encounter that type of dream again but never did, and that's when I
began to read around this site.
I don't know what to think, but I'm still leaning to it being more then a dream. Maybe not an abduction, but something did happen because this is
the only dream i can remember exactly the way it happened and the only other dream I can remember, only sniplets while this one scarred my memory