posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 04:31 PM
Ok Someone correct me if I'm wrong, so many threads to keep up with it's confusing. The devices that got wiped belong to the venue or their employees
correct? I'll go with that till I'm told different because I'm pretty sure that's what's being said.
The concert devices would probably be a heck of a lot more stable, better quality, maybe in fixed positions, lots of different angels of the crowd and
stage, etc because they are mostly for Music Videos and advertising. Unlike the random phone video that is shaky, all over the place and confusing,
because of the panic. So maybe they wiped the "good" videos and don't really care about the phone videos.
Although, considering there were 20,000+ people there, I've only seen at most 20 or so different videos. Mostly it is reposts of the same ones over
and over. In those videos you can see dozens and dozens of people filming, yet we don't see those posted. You gotta know everyone with their phone
out, pointed at the stage, at the time of the shooting was filming the concert. I know I do when I go to one. Why aren't they all online?
Nor do we see very many videos of people in the area but not at the venue, around 3 or 4 or so I've found. What about the videos that are from the
other hotels like the Bellagio one showing that mess, why was only that one woman brave(?) enough to post what was happening?.
And all the "other incidents" from the scanners, that have been ignored or covered up, or cleared up. Even if nothing came of it people would be, "Oh
wow cops everywhere what's going on!" and posting that s*** on youtube lol. I've found nothing from NYNY, Tropicana, Luxor, Excaliber, Hooters. People
at least would have been filming the cops checking up on the reports of other shooters.
Hell I've not even seen a single video except Taxi lady and our own abeverage from the freakin Mandalay Bay. Wouldn't guests there be filming/posting
that insanity as soon as they could? Especially here at MB, SWAT, regular cops, security, guns out. You don't see that sh** everyday, people would
film it and post it.
Seems like there is a lot of scrubbing/threatening going on.
This gets weirder and weirder everyday.